
  Allow me to highlight the comments by KDE developer
Dirk Schoenberger in response to the comment "I
suggest you look at XUL or QtDesigner files for a
better alternative."

   Dirk responds:

XUL: nice schema, appropriate for static GUI
descriptions. No way to easily do the dynamic stuff
(react to button clicks, enable/disable elements if
another element changes, open other windows). The
existing Mozilla XUL requires you to embed Javascript
into the XUL files, which sounds exactly like the
above "any configuration file format will eventually
end up being a programming language". Other XUL
dialects somewhat lift this requirement, they may
allow to use other scripting languages (or perhaps
even Java). I have not seen a XUL application which
can be programmed in pure C++.

QtDesigner files are designed to be used with
QtDesigner. Ever tried to write a .ui file manually?
The used schema is IMHO one of the worst cases of the
generic key-value style serialization anti-pattern. I
don't want to store keys and values, I want to store
GUI descriptions. Beside, QtDesigner is designed for
code generation (and adding dynamic functionality via
inheritance. You may load .ui files at runtime, but I
don't think this way is really recommended.
Additionally, QtDesigner explicitly models the used
components and their properties. If you want a
QButton, you get a QButton, if you want a QMenu, you
get a QMenu. In order to use KDE components, you have
to register them at QtDesigner and make sure that they
are also registered on a users machine. This makes
distributing .ui files cumbersome. I would prefer a
solution where I only specify "give me a menu", and
the framework decides if I get a KMenu if I start the
application under KDE.

XMLGUI (and the KAction framework) IMHO elegantly
solve the static-dynamic contradiction. All really
static parts of the GUI are stored explicitly in the
XMLGUI description. Possible dynamic parts like
buttons, text input fields and such, are only
referenced by name (via the <Action> tag). In your
application, you create the actions, connect them and
let the XMLGUI framework decide how they are
visualized. Basically you are implementing a
controller, instead of directly manipulation the view.
Given a number of proper action classes and their
language bindings, this would allow for true
cross-language GUI development (if you define a action
in Python or Ruby, C++ or Javascript is irrelevant).


   What's your take? Is the QtDesigner XML UI format
for machines only? Do you think KDE's XMLGUI is a
better alternative? Do you know of any other XML UI
language formats in the KDE world?

   - Gerald   

Gerald Bauer

XUL Alliance | http://xul.sourceforge.net  
United XAML  | http://xaml.sourceforge.net

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