On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 12:27:36 +0200 (CEST)
Sylvain Thenault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Lars Martin wrote:
> > Our solution is based on the treediff module which is (was?) part of
> > the Apache/Crimson package. So the licence is Apache-like. We did
> > some bugfixing and extended this package to support Lexus / XUpdate.
>  I have looking for this package, you're right: it's not part of the
> current version. I found it in an old package version but I didn't manage
> to byte compile it. In the treediff directory, the file package.html
> references a white paper named "An efficient new differencing algorithm
> for structured hierarchical data" but he link is dead.
> Would someone have this document or know where can i find it?

I don't have this document but at http://www.smb-tec.com/treediff/treediff.jar
you'll find the modified and working Crimson sources...

> > <xupdate:swap firstNode="XPath" secondNode="XPath"/>
> > and
> > 
> > <xupdate:move fromNode="XPath" toNode="XPath" position="before|after"/>
> > or
> > <xupdate:move-before firstNode="XPath" toNode="XPath"/>
> > <xupdate:move-after firstNode="XPath" toNode="XPath"/>
> this look good
> Another idea instead of move is to add something like a "from" attribute
> to append, insert-before and insert-after

But wouldn't this result in copying the content of a Node to the new
location? Well, it's a question of definition what happens with the
selected "from" Node but a dedicated "move" method would be the better
solution, because it's clear what to do: "move, don't copy"

Lars Martin                                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
SMB GmbH                                        http://www.smb-tec.com

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