+1 (binding)

-Tried a dry-run merge of HADOOP-12930 to trunk.
-Successfully built distro on Windows.
-Ran "hdfs namenode", "hdfs datanode", and various interactive hdfs
commands through Cygwin.
-Reviewed documentation.

Allen, thank you for the contribution.  Would you please attach a full
patch to HADOOP-12930 to check pre-commit results?

While testing this, I discovered a bug in the distro build for Windows.
Could someone please code review my patch on HADOOP-13149?

--Chris Nauroth

On 5/9/16, 1:26 PM, "Allen Wittenauer" <a...@apache.org> wrote:

>       Hey gang!
>       I¹d like to call a vote to run for 7 days (ending May 16 at 13:30 PT) to
>merge the HADOOP-12930 feature branch into trunk. This branch was
>developed exclusively by me as per the discussion two months ago as a way
>to make what would be a rather large patch hopefully easier to review.
>The vast majority of the branch is code movement in the same file,
>additional license headers, maven assembly hooks for distribution, and
>variable renames. Not a whole lot of new code, but a big diff file
>       This branch modifies the Œhadoop¹, Œhdfs¹, Œmapred¹, and Œyarn¹ commands
>to allow for subcommands to be added or modified at runtime.  This allows
>for individual users or entire sites to tweak the execution environment
>to suit their local needs.  For example, it has been a practice for some
>locations to change the distcp jar out for a custom one.  Using this
>functionality, it is possible that the Œhadoop distcp¹ command could run
>the local version without overwriting the bundled jar and for existing
>documentation (read: results from Internet searches) to work as written
>without modification. This has the potential to be a huge win, especially
>               * advanced end users looking to supplement the Apache Hadoop 
> experience
>               * operations teams that may be able to leverage existing 
> documentation
>without having to remain local ³exception² docs
>               * development groups wanting an easy way to trial experimental 
> features
>       Additionally, this branch includes the following, related changes:
>               * Adds the first unit tests for the Œhadoop¹ command
>               * Adds the infrastructure for hdfs script testing and the first 
> unit
>test for the Œhdfs¹ command
>               * Modifies the hadoop-tools components to be dynamic rather 
> than hard
>               * Renames the shell profiles for hdfs, mapred, and yarn to be
>consistent with other bundled profiles, including the ones introduced in
>this branch
>       Documentation, including a Œhello world¹-style example, is in the
>UnixShellGuide markdown file.  (Of course!)
>        I am at ApacheCon this week if anyone wants to discuss in-depth.
>       Thanks!
>       There are still two open sub-tasks.  These are blocked by other issues
>so that we may add unit testing to the shell code in those respective
>areas.  I¹ll covert to full issues after HADOOP-12930 is closed.
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