> I'm also not thrilled about automatic tags and commenting; there
> should be some decision on the part of the user. The choice of tags
> seems somewhat abusable at the very worst, annoying at the best (for
> example, see http://del.icio.us/tag/!mobiledesktop for the dangers).
Yeah, I guess I don't really see the point of a bookmarklet that just
duplicates the tags and descriptions provided by others...as you say, the
abuse potential is great and I don't see what the user really gets out of it:
they'll end up with an erratic tag library that probably won't make sense to
them or anyone else, with descriptions that may or may not be useful.  On the
other hand, I guess that's why it's called "lazy sheep"...just follow the

> I have thought about adding a "read later" sort of quick bookmarklet,
> which would add at most a "system:readlater" tag but nothing else.
Interesting -- is the idea to just avoid having to go through the whole post
process if you just want to bookmark something to check out later (since you
can just tag something "readlater" anyway), or are you thinking in the
direction of some of the private tagging that's been discussed on and off,
where system:readlater items are private to the user?  In either case, I think
I like.

- Whit
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