You may want to know that you may find decent parts for your system

I think we may have to really keep our PowerPC running for longer than
that although I did hear of someone developing a multicore PowerPC
laptop a month or so ago.  I've got to search for who this fellow is
again as I lost track, but I did hear of a fellow who created a working
Cell based laptop which ran the GameOS and had the OtherOS option.
Pretty neat!

Caveat:  If you replace the power supply or other support parts you
shouldn't have trouble running YDL from it.  Be careful regarding other
components however such as DVD drives: if those go it may be wiser to
consider an external DVD drive in that situation.  I'm unsure if anyone
we knew remains at Fixstars from TSS; it may not be so easy to get the
kind of support we became accustomed to.  In any case, I'd advise you
to consider reviewing what notations remain regarding their advisories
regarding which hardware works with YDL and which do not.  As best I
recall, the past emphasis (by TSS) was to support original Apple parts.

So the problems to watch for may not be RAM as much as internal
associated devices, such as a newer hard drive or modem or something
similar.  It may be better to just get an HD which resides on a PCI
card which your system should recognize with no problem as an external
system; I don't think such a drive would be able to be booted from
within YDL.  It would be interesting to try that out as a concept

Anyway enjoy and all the best!! 

On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:57:49 -0800
Warren Nagourney <> wrote:

> Thanks, Derick. I  still love the PPC architecture and recently
> bought an Apple dual core 2.3 GHz G5 for very little money and am
> finding it to be absolutely as fast as I could ever hope for. I will
> keep it for the next 3-5 years (assuming I can keep the power supply
> running) and maybe then, the dominance of x86 may have lessened (it
> can't last forever!).
> Merry Christmas and Happy 2010,
> Warren N


Refranes/Popular sayings:
The Taino say:No hay mal que por bien no venga.
There is no evil out of which good cannot blossom.

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