I thought you, Rob and interested others would find this article
interesting as it follows along the lines of what you stated earlier
with some different details.  

First the article:

You'll note that future development and computers (including laptops -
Yippee!) will follow along an integrated or morphed design path which
implements both AMD/Intel with Cell/PowerPC aspects of handling complex
processing.  This could well mean systems which look more like the
system which is within the Toshiba Qosimo (referring to what Toshiba
calls it's SPEC engine).

I recall discussing details regarding how the Cell's technology was
morphed into the SPEC engine with some astute people at the YDL Board
awhile ago.  IBM's decision therefore kills the Cell as Cell, but not
what was derived by learning and working with it.

It is interesting that this movement forward comprises methods
previously exclusive to disparate architecture families (Intel v.
PowerPC); everything running today will need to be rewritten for those
newer systems as they will be unlike what has come before. This also
means something rather challenging which I hinted at previously, the
skills needed to program the new systems will require people familiar
programming for PowerPC/Cell and Intel systems.  A skill which remains
rare and becoming rarer still.  However those skills are transferable
and advantageous in leaping forward into seriously working with this new
hybrid.  The new hybrid will be further advanced than the system
within the Qosimo. 

As the hardware moving forward has changed so must Linux and commercial
operating systems.  YDL won't remain what it is; it will have to morph
into something else to meet what is coming.  That choice, if any is
made, is up to Fixstars.  I hope that they choose well so that they are
right in the thick of it.

The best to all...

On Sat, 26 Dec 2009 12:46:22 -0800
Warren Nagourney <war...@phys.washington.edu> wrote:

> That's very interesting, Rob. Were the apps compiled using the same  
> compilers (with the same degree of optimization) in both cases? Were  
> the time differences actual CPU time of just elapsed time? ...


Refranes/Popular sayings:
The Taino say:No hay mal que por bien no venga.
There is no evil out of which good cannot blossom.

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