
I am building a small network appliance for tethering purposes.
I do not need graphics so I removed X support, also added
systemd from meta-ivi and upgraded connman into latest
1.11 version, and also did some minor tweaks here and there.

In beagleboard, my setup works just fine.
In Intel NUC device, the system refuses to boot properly.
The reason is the init-live.sh script in initramfs image,
it expects the USB stick to be present in /media/xxx directory.

Because the base system uses systemd, the initramfs is
also using systemd but there is some things missing and
system will not automount the USB stick into /media.

Is there any possibility to avoid using systemd in initramfs
i.e., use the udev package only, or is the only option to
tweak systemd setup in initramfs? Or any other suggestion
how to fix this?


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