Trevor Woerner <twoerner@...> writes:

> On Fri 2016-04-01  <at>  03:55:31 PM, Khem Raj wrote:
> > 
> > > On Apr 1, 2016, at 3:46 PM, Trevor Woerner <twoerner@...> wrote:
> > > 
> > > On Fri 2016-04-01  <at>  03:17:29 PM, Trevor Woerner wrote:
> > >> As far as I can tell there are two raspberry pi OE layers which
include this
> > >> commit:
> > >> 
> > >> 1. git://
> > >> 2.
> > > [...]
> > >> - Using 1 (the official layer from Andrei) I get an image that boots
but the
> > >>   console remains messed up (as before).
> > >> 
> > >> - Using 2 (the layer from Khem) I get an image that flashes the rainbow
> > >>   pattern on the HDMI monitor, shows the 4 berries, then stops.
Nothing else
> > >>   happens, no messages on the console.
> > > 
> > > I get the same results with no local.conf tweaks and building the
> > > rpi-basic-image.
> > > 
> > > Does anyone have a run-tested, OE-built, raspi3 image with working
> > > 
> > 
> > can you select 4.1 for kernel and try with master, Andre has merged all
my changes
> > today
> Yes, that's one of the options I have already tried; it boots but the console
> is still garbled.
> The 4.1 kernel is the default in Andrei's layer. Using the 4.4 kernel from
> your layer I can't get past the 4 raspberries.

Hi everyone,

this is nothing that depends on the kernel itself. There was a major change
in the /dev/ttyAMA0 in order to make use of the bluetooth module. There is
an overlay that allows using the console and the bluetooth module on
parallel (pi3-miniuart-bt) with a lower baudrate while useing hciattach. If
you don't want to use the bluetooth module you can switch back to the
console by using the pi3-disalble-bt overlay.

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