On 18 January 2017 at 07:02, Gary Thomas <g...@mlbassoc.com> wrote:

> It used to be that I could run qemu and it would pop up a separate
> window that emulated a display+keyboard+mouse.  That doesn't seem
> to be the same now, or at least I don't see how to make it work.
> Advice on this would be great as I need to test the "native" X
> setup, not VNC connections.

Still is the case if you have 'sdl' in qemu-native's PACKAGECONFIG.  See
the sample local.conf, this was a change in behaviour a year or so ago so
there's a chance your local.conf doesn't do this.

> I'd also be happy to try this on real hardware, e.g. my wife's
> laptop, but I need some way to do that non-destructively.  Again,
> pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Build an image using ideally meta-intel's intel-corei7-64 (or core2-32)
machine and put the hddimg on a USB stick.  This can live boot from the
stick directly.

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