On 02/02/2018 02:16 PM, colin.helliw...@ln-systems.com wrote:
I have an app which has a config file, and I'd like my two images
(production and dev) to have different configs. Obviously it'd be neater to
keep the two config files within the recipe's directory structure.
I guess I can't do this in the app's recipe since it has no concept of what
image it might end up in. So I could have the the app's recipe deploy one of
the configs by default, and use a step in the 'other' image recipe to
overwrite it.
But is there a way to tell the image recipe where the app's workdir/srcdir
is? Something like ${WORKDIR}_MyRecipe
Or am I just going to have to hard-code the path in?

Maybe the easiest is to have two separate recipes for the two versions of config and have images pull in one or the other?

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