2- Item structure: It seems to me that many items (mainly S/N and passwords) could have a slightly more complete and harmonized field structure. As examples, I somehow miss an e-mail field (and even an owner field) in the password class, and a location field in the S/N class. I may understand that some additions could be at expense of simplicity (for quick imports for example), but a simple compromise could be found (at least it seems to me). Here again I do not think big changes are needed.

I'd like to see some additional options for passwords too, it's not uncommon to be asked for all sorts of information as part of a registration process for a web site or service. As my memory for who holds what info can be poor and it's useful stuff to have on record I currently screenshot each stage of any registration process that goes beyond the basics and put it in an encrypted note. I'd rather see passwords have, below the existing fields (and Yvan's suggestions - email would be great as I use several for different sorts of sites), a standard note area for this purpose with the usual encrypt option so I don't end up with records in two areas, or some passwords in a standard note and others in a password note. Not a really big deal as tags allow me to find both with equal ease, it'd just be neater. And I like neat.


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