I had the same problem.

The best solution is to simply drag the icon of the PDF from Yojimbo to either Acrobat or Preview and it will open in that application.

If you want a script to do this for the currently selected document:

on getSelectedItemsOfClass(itemClass)
        set _resultItems to {}
        tell application "Yojimbo"
                set _selectedItems to get selected items of browser window 1
                repeat with i from 1 to count of _selectedItems
                        if class of item i of _selectedItems is itemClass then
                                copy item i of _selectedItems to end of 
                        end if
                end repeat
        end tell
        return _resultItems
end getSelectedItemsOfClass

tell application "Yojimbo"
set _selectedPDFArchives to my getSelectedItemsOfClass(pdf archive item) set _files to (export _selectedPDFArchives to (path to temporary items)) as list
end tell

tell application "Adobe Acrobat Professional" --Use you PDF viewer here
        open _files
end tell

tell application "Finder"
        move _files to trash
end tell



On May 25, 2007, at 13:06 PM, infrahile wrote:

Here's another request, I'm on a roll…

PDF's: maybe I've missed a feature, but it seems there is no way currently to view the list of pages in a PDF document. Maybe the Acrobat 8 way of displaying page thumbnails down the side of the background area would work well - I'm not a developer so I have no idea how easy/hard this is, but I'm frequently frustrated with long PDF documents if I can't scan through a list of page thumbnails, adding this feature would be a positive boon!

I'll pre-empt the inevitable; no, searching won't help - may of the documents I'm referring to are very visual, such as design guidelines documents, design concepts, etc. which are often image- only or largely image based. A quick visual reference would really improve the usefulness of PDF's in YJ, for this user at least.

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