On 19-Dec-07, at 8:17 AM, Steve Kalkwarf wrote:

Has anyone made an Applescript to open a Yojimbo note directly in BBEdit?

If not, would the proper procedure be to export the note to disk, open it in BBEdit and then have the Finder delete it from disk?

Getting the contents of the note to BBEdit (minus all formatting) is trivial, but any edits you make there will be lost, and not make it back to Yojimbo.

What are you trying to accomplish?

Basically? Using Yojimbo to store and retrieve text and code snippets. Yojimbo's RTF certainly isn't ideal for that but BBEdit having it's own database would be very useful.

With "do shell script", "textutil -convert HTML" plus some fancy grep, it seems like it'd be possible to preserve what formatting is useful and strip the rest out. Run html2text.py at the end and it could even end up as Markdown, as another example.

but any edits you make there will be lost, and not make it back to Yojimbo.

I'm assuming a second Applescript would be needed to send info back to Yojimbo so that'd more properly be a separate topic. But I'm not experienced with Applescript so first things first, I thought I'd attempt something very trivial to start out.

Robert McGonegal

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