
I've been enjoying integrating Yojimbo into my environment, but there are a few things that I've bumped into that I'd love to see changed.

Would be nice if we could click on a URL and go there.... this is particularly true of password objects. Currently, I copy the URL and paste it into a browser...... that's clunky. I should be able to click on a "arrow bullet" next to the URL or the URL itself with a modifier key (command?) and go to that URL.

We should be able to duplicate a record (object).... I want to select a yojimbo object, duplicate it and then modify it. This seems logical and consistent with Mac apps.

OK, this one is a bit more global in effect. I like being able to use Yojimbo as a repository for information. But, I feel like I can not adequately obscure the list of info itself. I can encrypt an item, but I can't "lock" or encrypt an entire collection/library. I'd love to be able to click a button and encrypt a library or collection and then be able to press a button to view that library or collection... parallel to the way encrypt/view for an item but for the entire collection. Why? I don't want someone looking over my shoulder and seeing the list of items or really any info about what is in a collection.

And for the "just cuz" category, I'd like to be able to change the label on Drop Tab. Why? Cuz, Yojimbo attracts too much attention.... I would change it to something more generic like "Drop" or a symbol..... for my purposes discretion is an important aspect.

I am delighted with Yojimbo and I look forward to its continuing evolution.



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