On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 16:13:51 +0100

> that is very true, but not believe, do it!!

Uf, even I didn't make the article (I got it from other source though)
but after reading some comment on this list makes me couldn't resist to
write a comment :-)

In my humble opinion there must be a correction for the principle i.e
principle number 1 should be norm instead of ethic. Norm (in Indonesia
we called Norma) is the root of culture and law, it is like ethics but
ethic only relate to personal while norm for community hence norm should
be number 1 and ethics number 2.
I am the one that believe systems/community have big effect to raise up
or down the good or the bad ethics of human being which actually convey
since his/her born. Even bad attitude can be suppress by good community.

Syafril Hermansyah

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