Hi Gank!

Di posting terakhir saya mengetengahkan soal orang Indonesia yg senang
dg status quo.
Ini artikel mengenai "human by nature not want change", bahkan di dunia
IT terkadang orang mengatkan "don't fix if ain't break".
Hal ini perlu kita perhatikan pula dalam konsep reposisi.

---[ Begin forwarded message ]---

Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 16:23:06 -0600
From: "Jose Lopez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: altn.mdaemon.beta
Subject: [md-beta] MDaemon product activation system

"CHANGE" <--- That is the KEYWORD .... "CHANGE".  It is our human nature
to want "change".

I think you'll find this interesting (if you read it ... of course):

In a conference for psychologists last year the speaker at the event
told the audience (the psychologists) to leave the room and go change
something about themselves and then come back to the main auditorium. 
They left the room and came back 10 minutes later.

He then told them at that time to go and do the same again.  Ten minutes
later they were back again.  Yet again he told them to leave the room
and go change something about themselves, and be back in 10 minutes.

Well, after they came back for the third time they discovered something
curious.  The common denominator was that every time the psychologists
left the room to change something about themselves the trend was (for
most part) that they would take something off, like a watch, ring,

This is because that is how we perceive "CHANGE" --- "As a loss", and
not a gain.  It is only our human nature... we don't like change.

I'm not suggesting we ACCEPT every change without giving it thought but
from reading about some postings for MDaemon product activation system
seems to me to be the perception: "A LOSS OF SOME SORT".

For whatever this is worth and whatever you think you have lost :-)

Best regards,

Jose Lopez

----[ end forwarded message ]----

Syafril Hermansyah

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