The current master now has a bug fix for the root/bank ones David stirred up.

At the same time I removed the root paths tab from 'Setting' - it was getting
really difficult to keep it in sync with the dedicated window accessible from
the 'Instrument' menu and both the 'Banks' & 'Instruments' windows.

The issue with the 'Report' menu item appears to be down to FLTKs internal

It has been resolved by using a button instead, placed alongside the system and
insert effects tabs. This is not an ideal location but looks reasonably neat,
so will do for now.

With luck and a following wind, we could be in line for V 1.3.4 tomorrow.

Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.

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