Menarik sekali, praktis setiap minggu kita baca ttg pejabat dan mantan
pejabat dlm jajaran pemerintahan di Tangerang yg diciduk krn tindak
korupsi mereka.

Semoga ketegasan dari KPK ini menunjukkan bhw maling apapun julukannya
akan dikenakan sangsi atas kejahatan mereka.  Aku kira cara NAME & SHAME
orang2 yg mencuri uang negara dan merugikan banyak orang  pantas
dilakukan terus.

Perhatikan artikel berikut ini bgmn para maling tsb. akhirnya harus
menjalani prosess peradilan sesuai dg hukum yg berlaku.

Gabriela Rantau

14 ex-councillors to stand trial for graft
The Jakarta Post          ,      Jakarta      |  Tue, 12/12/2006 1:39 PM
|  Jakarta

TANGERANG: The Banten Prosecutors' Office said Monday it had widened its
investigation into 11 corruption cases involving a number of
ex-councillors, officials and members of the Banten Elections Commission
(KPUD Banten).

""We have completed four dossiers in which 14 former councillors are
named suspects in a Rp 14 billion corruption case,"" chief prosecutor
Suhaemi said, adding that the dossiers would be forwarded to Serang
District Court this week.

The 14 former councillors are Udin Jamaludin, Muhamad Muchlis, Robert
Wihardja, Marzuki Raili, Effendi Yusuf Sagala, Aap Aptadi, Ahmad Malik
Komet, M. Dahmir Tampubolon, Iwan Rosadi, Riril Suhartinah, Jon R.
Maulana, Achdi Syamlani, Zainal Novani and Rudi Korua.

According to the dossiers, the 14 former councillors stole money from
2003 budget allocations for councillors' housing and welfare allowances.

The case centers around the alleged misuse of budgetary funds under then
governor Djoko Munandar. The administration initially allocated Rp 3.5
billion to support councillors' activities, but they were granted an
extra Rp 10.5 billion for the construction of 75 houses.
""With the upcoming investigation, we can prove to the public that pro

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