"Common ground"?

Lha Lüling dan Luxenberg emang bilagn bahwa al-Mushaf itu asal- usulnya memang 
dari teks (salah satu sekte) Nasrani juga, yaitu hymne, leksioner.......


Pope urged to admit common ground

By Robert Pigott
Religious Affairs Correspondent

When 138 senior Muslim scholars and clergy tried to establish the common ground 
between Islam and Christianity last year, they said the very peace of the world 
hung on the outcome.

On Tuesday, a high-ranking delegation is beginning a rare visit to Rome in an 
effort to persuade the Pope to endorse what they say are the shared origins and 
values of the world's two biggest religions.

Their letter, A Common Word, cited passages from the Koran which the scholars 
said showed that Christianity and Islam worship the same God, and require their 
respective followers to show each other particular friendship.

The document examined fundamental doctrine and stressed what it said were key 
similarities - such as the belief in one God and the requirement for believers 
to "love their neighbours as themselves".

Significantly the letter acknowledged that the Prophet Muhammad was told only 
the same truths that had already been revealed to Jewish and Christian 
prophets, including Jesus himself.

After a year using the Islamic principle of seeking consensus, the letter has 
developed into a "manifesto" and is backed by almost 300 leaders from Sunni, 
Shi'ite, Sufi and other Muslim traditions.

'Out of hand'

The initiative was welcomed promptly by several Christian leaders, including 
the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.

The Vatican has, however, responded more cautiously to the prospect of 
identifying common beliefs.

There has been renewed urgency among Muslim leaders to forge new bonds with 
Christians since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.

A lecture by Pope Benedict quoting a 14th Century Byzantine emperor's 
accusation that Muhammad encouraged the use of violence in spreading Islam led 
to a furious reaction among Muslims and contributed to the sense of a widening 
gap between the religions.

The high-ranking delegation going to Rome includes the Grand Mufti of Bosnia, 
an Iranian Ayatollah, a Jordanian prince and British converts to Islam.

They are also aiming to work out practical measures for resolving crises in 
Muslim-Christian relations, such as the angry controversy that followed the 
publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in Denmark in 2006.

Dr Ibrahim Kalin, a Turkish scholar who will be among the Muslims who meet the 
Pope on Thursday, said the dispute about the cartoons showed how important it 
was to establish regular dialogue.

He said: "Things got out of hand very quickly. A line of communication is 
needed where we can issue a statement and mobilise resources as a pre-emptive 

Some of those behind the Common Word initiative believe it has been too easy 
for radical or extremist Muslims to use the media to promote a distorted view 
of Islam. One of their principal aims is to create a body that can speak 
authoritatively for mainstream Islam.

'Agree to disagree'

Although the Pope can speak for about a billion Roman Catholics (roughly half 
of the world's Christian population), Islam has no central authority able to 
represent its 1.3 billion faithful.

Apart from practical mechanisms to cope with disagreements, the Pope's Muslim 
visitors are hoping for a measure of agreement on matters of fundamental 
belief, and for an exchange of reading-lists - each side providing the names of 
the books that most accurately describe their values and traditions.

They also want to extend the Christian-Muslim conversation to include that 
other Abrahamic religion, Judaism.

The Pope is on record as seeking dialogue with Muslims, and is reported to 
favour a franker, more robust, approach. He is likely to have his own 
priorities, including a discussion of religious freedom.

It is a sensitive issue, not least because some Muslim-majority countries 
forbid conversion, and oppress their Christian minorities.

Last month a formal meeting of Catholic bishops in Rome said the conversation 
should stress the need for equal rights for women. Some Islamic states - such 
as Saudi Arabia - limit women's rights.

Other awkward issues could include the need for democracy.

There is plenty that both sides are clear they cannot agree. Muslims regard 
Jesus as an important prophet, for example, but they do not believe he was 

Another of the big differences between the religions centres on how God is 

Ibrahim Kalin says the Christian belief in Jesus as part of a divine trinity 
with God the Father and the Holy Spirit conflicts with Muslim doctrine.

"The Trinity is currently not accepted by Muslims as explaining the infinity 
and oneness of God," said Dr Kalin.

"We don't agree on that, so we shouldn't try to sink these differences into a 
warped theology, but talk to each other on the basis of agreeing to disagree."
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/11/04 01:15:58 GMT


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