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Friends, berikut KESAKSIAN teman baik saya, seorang wanita Malaysia di Kual=
a Lumpur, tentang peng-HARAM-an Yoga oleh ulama Malaysia, enjoy !=0A=0A+ =
=0A=0ADear Leo,=0A=0AJust a quick note. I haven't been dropping in on Milis=
 SI for quite a while, but since I miss reading your quips and discourse, I=
 did yesterday and got onto some postings by some of SI veterans about the =
latest gaffe on Yoga over here. =0A=0AThis is just one of the many stupidit=
ies inflicted upon us by half-baked religious bigots. =0A=0AAs for me and t=
he likes of me, we don't waste a breath discussing it, we just roll our eye=
s to heaven as we know that we live in different worlds and there is no poi=
nt foaming at the mouth over it. =0A=0ABut on the one hand, I actually do f=
eel so pained by it all and at an earlier point in my life I just might cry=
 my heart out in frustration. =0A=0AThe Yoga ban is nothing but ignorance, =
also small mindedness, and jealousies that while all Muslim women go about =
with their heads covered (never mind if the covering is so bejewelled and t=
he face so dolled up), there are Malay women who don't (how dare they?) and=
 in fact go prancing about doing Yoga and stuff and enjoying it and earning=
 good money from teaching it (there are many exclusive Yoga centres operate=
d by 'modern' Malay women here who have nothing to do with Hindu philosophy=
). =0A=0AIn the end it is the same small mindedness of puny human beings no=
 doubt they seem to come from one particular religion (I suspect the latest=
 carnage in Mumbai has to do with them too, as in so many other places in t=
he world). =0A=0ABut Leo, what I am dismayed about, which prompts me to wri=
te this time, is the spirit and tone of what I read in SI. I hope I am wron=
g, but I sense again this unspoken disdain about things Malaysian.... =0A=
=0ADoes spirituality have national borders and boundaries? =0A=0ACan we not=
 be supportive of each other if we know any better? =0A=0ACan we go a bit b=
eyond merely passing remarks and instead be educational and uplifting? God =
knows we need it at this time in the world's cycle.=0A=0ADaisy=0A=0A+=0A=0A=
KOMENTAR SAYA:=0A=0AThanks Daisy,=0A=0AIt's nice to hear from you. =0A=0AAc=
tually Indonesians began to be "outraged" en masse exactly one day after th=
e announcement by Malay ulemmas or whomever it was who pronounced the haram=
 stuff. =0A=0AIn my opinion, liberal and open-minded Indonesians have this =
kind of "perception" about Malaysia where the ulemmas are so unreasonable. =
=0A=0ASo, when things turned rather badly as when the Indonesian Parliament=
 passed the "Pornography Law", then one of the reasons cited for condemning=
 the law was:=0A=0A"Even Malaysia does NOT have a law like the Pornography =
Law".=0A=0ANow, that kind of reasoning only justifiable when we accept the =
underlying assumption MANY Indonesians hold about Malaysia as the place whe=
re "funny" things happen. =0A=0AIt follows that If Malaysia does NOT have a=
 Pornography Law, then Indonesia is NOT justified to have one. Reason: It i=
s NOT funny enough, or something like that.=0A=0ASure, spirituality has NO =
border, it spans from the North Pole to the South, and has NO color too... =
=0A=0ANo color=0ANo time span=0ANothing in between=0AOnly You up there and =
Me down here who are=C2=A0=0AALL OF US=0A=0AThere is nothing haram or halal=
 whatsoever, only CHOICES. =0A=0AWe choose whatever we wish to do with our =
own lives.=0A=0AThe stupid fatwa is only a memoriam, something to be record=
ed that ONCE we had such, just that.=0A=0AAll the Best,=0ALeo=0AMilis Spiri=
tual Indonesia <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/spiritual-indonesia>.=0A=0A=
=0A=0A      Get your new Email address!=0AGrab the Email name you&#39;ve al=
ways wanted before someone else does!=0Ahttp://mail.promotions.yahoo.com/ne=
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<html><head><style type=3D"text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></he=
ad><body><div style=3D"font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;=
font-size:12pt"><DIV>=0A<DIV>=0A<DIV>Friends, berikut KESAKSIAN teman baik =
saya, seorang wanita Malaysia di Kuala Lumpur, tentang peng-HARAM-an Yoga o=
leh ulama Malaysia, enjoy !<BR><BR>+ <BR><BR>Dear Leo,<BR><BR>Just a quick =
note. I haven't been dropping in on Milis SI for quite a while, but since I=
 miss reading your quips and discourse, I did yesterday and got onto some p=
ostings by some of SI veterans about the latest gaffe on Yoga over here. <B=
R><BR>This is just one of the many stupidities inflicted upon us by half-ba=
ked religious bigots. <BR><BR>As for me and the likes of me, we don't waste=
 a breath discussing it, we just roll our eyes to heaven as we know that we=
 live in different worlds and there is no point foaming at the mouth over i=
t. <BR><BR>But on the one hand, I actually do feel so pained by it all and =
at an earlier point in my life I just might cry my heart out in frustration=
. <BR><BR>The Yoga ban is nothing but ignorance, also small mindedness, and=
 jealousies that while
 all Muslim women go about with their heads covered (never mind if the cove=
ring is so bejewelled and the face so dolled up), there are Malay women who=
 don't (how dare they?) and in fact go prancing about doing Yoga and stuff =
and enjoying it and earning good money from teaching it (there are many exc=
lusive Yoga centres operated by 'modern' Malay women here who have nothing =
to do with Hindu philosophy). <BR><BR>In the end it is the same small minde=
dness of puny human beings no doubt they seem to come from one particular r=
eligion (I suspect the latest carnage in Mumbai has to do with them too, as=
 in so many other places in the world). <BR><BR>But Leo, what I am dismayed=
 about, which prompts me to write this time, is the spirit and tone of what=
 I read in SI. I hope I am wrong, but I sense again this unspoken disdain a=
bout things Malaysian.... <BR><BR>Does spirituality have national borders a=
nd boundaries? <BR><BR>Can we not be supportive of each other if we
 know any better? <BR><BR>Can we go a bit beyond merely passing remarks and=
 instead be educational and uplifting? God knows we need it at this time in=
 the world's cycle.<BR><BR>Daisy<BR><BR>+<BR><BR>KOMENTAR SAYA:<BR><BR>Than=
ks Daisy,<BR><BR>It's nice to hear from you. <BR><BR>Actually Indonesians b=
egan to be "outraged" en masse exactly one day after the announcement by Ma=
lay ulemmas or whomever it was who pronounced the haram stuff. <BR><BR>In m=
y opinion, liberal and open-minded Indonesians have this kind of "perceptio=
n" about Malaysia where the ulemmas are so unreasonable. <BR><BR>So, when t=
hings turned rather badly as when the Indonesian Parliament passed the "Por=
nography Law", then one of the reasons cited for condemning the law was:<BR=
><BR>"Even Malaysia does NOT have a law like the Pornography Law".<BR><BR>N=
ow, that kind of reasoning only justifiable when we accept the underlying a=
ssumption MANY Indonesians hold about Malaysia as the place where
 "funny" things happen. <BR><BR>It follows that If Malaysia does NOT have a=
 Pornography Law, then Indonesia is NOT justified to have one. Reason: It i=
s NOT funny enough, or something like that.<BR><BR>Sure, spirituality has N=
O border, it spans from the North Pole to the South, and has NO color too..=
. <BR><BR>No color<BR>No time span<BR>Nothing in between<BR>Only You up the=
re and Me down here who are&nbsp;<BR>ALL OF US<BR><BR>There is nothing hara=
m or halal whatsoever, only CHOICES. <BR><BR>We choose whatever we wish to =
do with our own lives.<BR><BR>The stupid fatwa is only a memoriam, somethin=
g to be recorded that ONCE we had such, just that.<BR><BR>All the Best,<BR>=
Leo<BR>Milis Spiritual Indonesia &lt;<A onmousedown=3D'UntrustedLink.bootst=
rap($(this), "5cb5cf237df71d20e16e22ef9b3c57d4", event)' href=3D"http://gro=
ups.yahoo.com/group/spiritual-indonesia" target=3D_blank rel=3Dnofollow><FO=
NT color=3D#3b5998><SPAN>http://groups.yahoo.com/gr</SPAN><WBR></WBR><SPAN
 class=3Dword_break></SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3D#810081>oup/spiritual-indon=
esia</FONT></A>&gt;.</DIV>=0A<DIV><BR><IMG height=3D404 src=3D"http://www.b=
ikramyoga.com/Yoga/images/IMG_0571c.jpg" width=3D544></DIV></DIV></DIV></di=
v><br>=0A=0A=0A=0A      <hr size=3D1> <a href=3D"http://sg.rd.yahoo.com/aa/=
ns/aa/"> Get your preferred Email name! </a> <br>=0ANow you can @ymail.com =
and @rocketmail.com.</body></html>

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