Refleksi:  Diberitakan bahwa 218 keluarga ditransmigrasikan ke NTB, mungkin  
para tansmigran ini dikirim untuk menempati tempat tempat-tempat yang pernah 
didiami oleh umat Ahmadiyah.  Only God Knows.

218 Keluarga TKI Ikut Transmigrasi

Ahmadiyah refugees to take risk, return home
Panca Nugraha ,  THE JAKARTA POST ,  MATARAM   |  Sat, 02/28/2009 9:12 AM  |  

After living in uncertainty at a refugee center in West Nusa Tenggara for three 
years, 68 members of the Ahmadiyah Islamic sect have decided to risk returning 

Syahidin, coordinator for the refugees, said the 68 people from 17 families 
would move from the Transito building in Mataram back to their homes in 
Ketapang hamlet, Gegerung village, Lingsar district, West Lombok regency, on 
March 14. 

"We the 17 families, including mine, have decided to return to our homes in 
Ketapang, whatever the risk we might face, after having lived here in 
uncertainty for three years. We want to live like any other citizens," Syahidin 
said Friday.

He added at least four people had died at the refugee center, while nine babies 
were born there during the same period.

At least 160 Ahmadiyah members from 33 families were driven from their homes 
after hard-line Muslims attacked them and destroyed their homes and belongings 
in early February 2006.

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) previously issued an edict calling the 
Ahmadiyah heretical. The edict was seized upon by other hard-line Muslims to 
attack the sect's followers elsewhere, including in West Java.

Based on the edict, among other factors, the government then banned Ahmadiyah 
followers from spreading their teachings.

The MUI said Ahmadiyah followers had deviated from mainstream Islam by 
believing that sect founder Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a prophet. 

Human rights activists have long deplored the attacks against the sect's 
followers and criticized the MUI for issuing the edict that triggered the 
widespread violence.

Syahidin said the 17 families decided to return home because their houses were 
still habitable, while the remaining 16 families chose to stay because their 
homes were completely destroyed.
He added he hoped the police and local administration would accompany the 
refugees on their return.

"But if they don't, we will still go back home. On the security front, we 
believe the police are responsible for security," he said.

The Social Services Ministry previously stopped donating rice to the refugees, 
saying they could no longer be considered refugees because they had lived at 
the center for three years. The ministry said the rice stock would be 
prioritized for victims of natural disasters.

Jauzi Djafar, West Nusa Tenggara chairman of the Indonesia Ahmadiyah Group, 
said his group had sent a letter to Governor M. Zainul Majdi to inform him of 
the planned return.

He added copies of the letter were also sent to the President, Vice President, 
home minister, religious affairs minister, social services minister, National 
Police chief, attorney general and the National Commission on Human Rights.

"We sent the letters on Feb. 20 to high- and low-ranking officials, including 
in Gegerung," he said.

He added the planned return was the Ahmadis' own initiative since the 
government had seemingly forgotten their plight. 

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