Hello folks,

https://github.com/FiloSottile/powersoftau is a fully independent 
implementation of Powers of Tau. It is written in Go, shares no code with the 
main Rust implementation, and uses the RELIC library for BLS12-381.

I used it for my contribution, but for it to be truly valuable to the security 
of the MPC ceremony more people need to run it, including in more secure 
settings than my laptop.

The README includes build instructions. If there are any problems feel free to 
open an issue on GitHub or email me.

To enable people to run both implementations there's a -next option to generate 
the next challenge file while computing the response. This is much faster than 
running verify_transform as it doesn't do verification and it doesn't have to 
decompress points.

You should assume that secret material will be left in memory, and protect 
against side channels, just like with the Rust implementation.


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