NATIONS HAVE THE RIGHT TO KILL: Hitler, the Holocaust and War 
>By Richard A. Koenigsberg 
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> Pages:  136 pages
>  Library of Social Science
>  Richard A. Koenigsberg
>ISBN: 978-0915042234 
>List Price: $39.99
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>We want as many people as possible to read this important book, which changes 
>forever our understanding of the Holocaust—and of warfare. Therefore, we are 
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>“Dr. Koenigsberg’s is a message that anyone with an interest in changing the 
>course of human history should internalize and reflect upon. Can human beings 
>transcend war? If so, Nations Have the Right to Kill will be one of our most 
>important guides. Its striking lucidity will be a catalyst for our collective 
>—Lee Hall, JD 
>“Koenigsberg’s ideas cut through conventional notions about culture, the 
>nation, and war, enabling us to see human institutions in utterly new ways.”  
>—Ruth Stein, New York University, author of For Love of the Father
>“If a case can be made that nationalism is a religion, few books rival 
>Koenigsberg’s Nations Have the Right to Kill. The author confronts the 
>taken-for-granted world of nationalism and political realism, and makes them 
>seem utterly peculiar and bizarre.” 
>— Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
>“Insightful and unsettling.” 
>—E. Sam Cox, University of Central Missouri
>“A psychological inquiry of great depth and tragic urgency. A deep humanity 
>informs this book, which is full of original and provocative insights.” 
>—Walter A. Davis, Ohio State University
>“Nations have the Right to Kill is a passionate monograph that presents a 
>searing criticism of the sacrificial ideology that mobilizes people for war.” 
>—Michael Roberts, University of Adelaide
>“Despite the vast body of research devoted to the Holocaust, Nations Have the 
>Right to Kill marks a seminal contribution.” 
>—Brian A. Victoria, Antioch University, author of Zen at War
>  Richard Koenigsberg received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the 
> Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research and formerly taught at 
> the New School. For the past 40 years, Dr. Koenigsberg has been writing and 
> lecturing on the psychological sources of war and genocide. He is the author 
> of four books, numerous papers and articles, and has lectured extensively 
> throughout the United States. 
>Why Did Hitler Kill?
>As the Final Solution began, Hitler professed to be undisturbed by the 
>extermination of men, women and children: “If I don’t mind sending the pick of 
>the German people into the hell of war without regret for the shedding of 
>precious German blood, then naturally I have the right to destroy millions of 
>men of inferior races who increase like vermin.” 
>Hitler reflected that if he—as commander in chief of a great nation—was not 
>faulted when he sent his own soldiers to die in massive numbers—why could he 
>not also require Jews to die in massive numbers? 
>The Holocaust was generated based on the logic of warfare: As Hitler asked his 
>German soldiers to be obedient unto death, so did he ask the same of the Jews. 
>The Soldier’s Body Gives Rise to the Reality of the Nation
>So pervasive and all-encompassing is the ideology of nationalism that we must 
>remind ourselves—when we utter words such as France, Germany or America—that 
>these terms refer to ideas or concepts (created by human beings) rather than 
>to entities that exist substantially. When people say, “The individual must 
>die so that the nation might live,” the implication is that the nation is a 
>being with a life of its own. For some people, the preservation or continued 
>existence of this entity—one’s nation—is deemed more significant than the 
>preservation of actual human lives.
>In war, nations come alive. Killing and dying substantiate the existence of 
>the nation-state. The sound and fury of battle lends credence to the idea that 
>nations are real. Warfare and battle—the production of dead and wounded 
>soldiers—anchors belief in material reality. Human beings are sacrificed in 
>the name of perpetuating a magical entity—the body politic.
>During the First World War, soldiers’ bodies were fed into the jaws of battle 
>under the assumption that the “lives” of nations were more significant than 
>those of young men. 
>British political leader David Lloyd George stated that every nation was 
>“profligate of its manpower” and conducted its war activities as if there were 
>no limit to the number of young men who were fit to be “thrown into the 
>furnace to feed the flames of war.” He described the First World War as a 
>perpetual, driving force that “shoveled warm human hearts and bodies by the 
>millions into the furnace.”
>Just as the Aztecs believed that the hearts and blood of sacrificial victims 
>were required to keep the sun god alive, so during the First World War 
>millions of hearts and bodies were sacrificed to preserve the lives of 
>nations. The First World War was a monumental potlatch—ostentatious 
>destruction or conspicuous waste—whose purpose was to confer prestige, with 
>each nation striving to demonstrate its greatness by throwing away the most 
>men and materiel.
>“If I can ask German soldiers to 
>be obedient unto death, why can’t 
>I ask the same of Jews?” 
>The Final Solution or Holocaust—the systematic extermination of the Jewish 
>people—began well before the construction of death camps and gas chambers. As 
>the German army moved east into the Soviet Union in late 1941 and early 1942, 
>they were followed by the Einsatzgruppen, or mobile killing units. 
>Approximately 1.5 million Jews were shot and killed, many of them buried in 
>gorges mass graves that bear a striking resemblance to the trenches of the 
>First World War.
>Hitler professed to be undisturbed by the extermination of men, women and 
>children, providing the following rationale: “If I don’t mind sending the pick 
>of the German people into the hell of war without regret for the shedding of 
>valuable German blood, then I have naturally the right to destroy millions of 
>men of inferior races who increase like vermin.” This statement reveals the 
>“logic” of the Holocaust.
>We want as many people as possible to read this important book, which changes 
>forever our understanding of the Holocaust—and of warfare. Therefore, we are 
>offering a free copy to college instructors if you will simply ask your 
>library to order a copy. Please respond to this email—write to 
>—providing your name and the name of your 
>college or university. We will send you a free electronic copy of the entire 
>book (identical to the physical copy, including the front & back cover). 
>Hitler understood that as commander-in-chief of a great nation, he would not 
>be faulted if he sent his soldiers into battle—where they would die in massive 
>numbers. Hitler knew that—as Germany’s leader—he had the “right” to sacrifice 
>his own young men.
>Then he reflected: “Why are the best my nation has to offer—the ‘pick of the 
>German people’—being sent to die, while the worst people, Jews, are destined 
>to survive the war?” Writing in Mein Kampf about the First World War—and his 
>belief that while German soldiers had willingly sacrificed their lives, Jews 
>had shirked their duty—Hitler declared: “If the best men were dying at the 
>front, the least we could do was to wipe out the vermin.”
>Hitler vowed that the Second World War would be different. Jews would not 
>escape scot-free: they would not be exempt from the obligation to suffer and 
>to die. They too would be required to become “obedient unto death.”
>For Hitler, the logic of genocide derived from the logic of warfare. War, 
>Hitler believed, was the occasion when a nation asks its people to die for 
>their country. However, if a nation has the right to sacrifice its own 
>soldiers, why should it not have the right to sacrifice others as well? In the 
>Holocaust, Jews would join German soldiers and participate in the sacrificial 
>ritual. Jews too would die when Germany commanded them to.
>We want as many people as possible to read this important book, which changes 
>forever our understanding of the Holocaust—and of warfare. Therefore, we are 
>offering a free copy to college instructors if you will simply ask your 
>library to order a copy. Please respond to this email—write to 
>—providing your name and the name of your 
>college or university. We will send you a free electronic copy of the entire 
>book (identical to the physical copy, including the front & back cover). 
>The Holocaust Victim as a Symbol of the German Soldier
>Although German soldiers are usually portrayed as aggressive warriors, the 
>reality of their experience during the Second World War—as they waged war on 
>the Eastern Front against the Soviet Union—was pathetic. The following 
>passages are excerpts from letters written home by German soldiers (see 
>Stephen G. Fritz, 1997)—starving, freezing, wounded and dying in places like 
>“Food was our most difficult problem. Our eyes gleamed, like the eyes of 
>famished wolves. Our stomachs were empty and the horizon was devoid of any 
>>“We stood in interminable lines, to receive a cup of hot water infused with a 
>>minute portion of tea. We had too much food in order to die, but too little 
>>in order to live.”
>>“The inability to bathe led to incredibly filthy conditions, which inevitably 
>>resulted in a plague of lice. We felt like livestock rather than human 
>>“There is only anxiety, fear, and terror, a life without return along with 
>>terror without an end. The heart is overwhelmed at the unbearable thought 
>>that the smell of dead bodies is the beginning and end and ultimate sense and 
>>purpose of our being.”
>>“We were crowded together like sardines in the cattle car. There were moans, 
>>groans, and whimpers in that car; the smell of pus, urine, and it was cold. 
>>We lay on straw. The train waited for hours.”
>Primo Levi observes (1986) that in many of its painful and absurd aspects the 
>concentration world was “only a version, an adaptation of German military 
>procedure,” the army of prisoners an “inglorious copy of the army proper or, 
>more accurately, its caricature.” Leon Poliakov (1979) notes that Jewish 
>victims in the camps were required to behave like soldiers, performing 
>standard military rituals: “Dressed in rags, the slaves had to march at parade 
>step and with a martial air when going off to work; while other slaves played 
>military marches. Crippled by disease, their feet running with sores, the 
>prisoners were forced to make their beds with geometric precision.”
>The Nazis glorified their willingness to surrender absolutely to Hitler and 
>Germany. Sacrificial submission was conceived as honor, loyalty and 
>faithfulness. Upon the death of a German soldier in the Second World War, 
>newspaper obituaries announced the name of the soldier, stating that he had 
>died “For the Fuehrer, the German people, and the fatherland.”
>German soldiers had given over their bodies entirely to the nation-state. Jews 
>also were required to do so. However, no one would say that the death of a Jew 
>was honorable and noble. The Holocaust depicted submission to a 
>nation—suffering and death—without sugar coating. The Holocaust enacts the 
>abject fate of a body that has been given over to—taken over by—the 
>German soldiers in the First and Second World Wars entered battle at the 
>behest of Germany, often dying a brutal, ugly death. However, in spite of 
>bodily mutilation and death, soldiers’ actions were described as noble and 
>beautiful. The Holocaust enacted a perverse version of “dying for the 
>country”—depicting the horrific consequences of submission to the nation-state.
>We want as many people as possible to read this important book, which changes 
>forever our understanding of the Holocaust—and of warfare. Therefore, we are 
>offering a free copy to college instructors if you will simply ask your 
>library to order a copy. Please respond to this email—write to 
>—providing your name and the name of your 
>college or university. We will send you a free electronic copy of the entire 
>book (identical to the physical copy, including the front & back cover). 
>Nations Have the Right to Kill: Hitler, the Holocaust and War
>Table of Contents
>Chapter I: The Logic of the Holocaust
>>Jewish Disease within the German Body Politic 
>>Devotion to Germany 
>>Jewish Individualism as Negation of the German Community 
>>Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die? 
>>Jews Too Shall Die
>Chapter II: The Sacrificial Meaning of the Holocaust
>>Worshipping Germany 
>>Jewish Destructiveness 
>>War as a Sacrificial Ritual 
>>The Duty to Lay Down One's Life 
>>Soldiers as Sacrificial Victims 
>>The Right to Destroy Millions of Men 
>>Die for Germany-or be Killed
>Chapter III: As the Soldier Dies, So the Nation Comes Alive
>>Obfuscation in the Depiction of Warfare 
>>The Magnitude of Destruction and Futility of the First World War 
>>What Was Going On? 
>>Reification of the Nation-State 
>>Willingness to Die as Declaration of Devotion 
>>As the Soldier Dies, so The Nation Comes Alive
>Chapter IV: Virility and Slaughter
>>The First World War as Perpetual Slaughter 
>>Doctrine of the “Offensive at All Costs” 
>>The Battle of the Somme 
>>Virility-The Battle of Verdun 
>>The Sacred Ideal 
>>Virility and Slaughter
>Chapter V: Aztec Warfare, Western Warfare
>Aztec Warfare 
>>The First World War 
>>Why the Perpetual Slaughter? 
>>The Body and Blood of the Soldier Gives Rise to the Reality of the Nation 
>>War as Potlatch 
>>Warfare as Truth 
>>The Nation-State Kills Its Own Soldiers
>Chapter VI: Dying for the Country
>>Why Did Hitler Wage War? 
>>Identity of Self and Nation 
>>Aryan Willingness for Self-Sacrifice 
>>Hitler's Experience of the First World War 
>>Willingness to Die for One's Country 
>>Why do the Best Human Beings Die in War While the Worst Survive? 
>>Jewish “Shirkers” 
>>As German Soldiers Die, So Must Jews 
>>Sacrificial Death Stripped of Honor
>Chapter VII: The Logic of Mass Murder
>>The First World War 
>>Hitler and the First World War 
>>The Euthanasia Program 
>>Obedience (Unto Death) 
>>Hitler Goes to War 
>>The Explanation 
>We want as many people as possible to read this important book, which changes 
>forever our understanding of the Holocaust—and of warfare. Therefore, we are 
>offering a free copy to college instructors if you will simply ask your 
>library to order a copy. Please respond to this email—write to 
>—providing your name and the name of your 
>college or university. We will send you a free electronic copy of the entire 
>book (identical to the physical copy, including the front & back cover).      
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