yes mike..i know your meaning..however you refuse point blank to see mine.. 

The meaning of 'painting legs on a snake' indicates the pointlessness of giving 
something it doesn't need and can do without. It has nothing to do with 'having 
fun'. My original point still stands that the universe works perfectly well 
without giving it imaginary fairy-stories as to how it works.


Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad 

 From:  Merle Lester <>; 
To: <>; 
Subject:  [Zen] the painted snake 
Sent:  Sun, Aug 25, 2013 8:09:34 AM 


i do not follow the norm.. do you mike?.... painting legs on a snake i do it 
because i can and it's fun...try it.. the snake wont bite you if that's what's 
worrying you..merle

Your definition is meaningless though and certainly not in accord with how most 
people define 'God'. The universe works just fine without such a belief. Why 
paint legs on a snake?


Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad 

________________________________ missed the point then .....
the forest is god..the forest and the people are one..
.god, forest and people are all in's called life!!!!!!!!... 
god is life... 
what the hell did you think god was?...
 merle..not the old man with a long white beard syndrome? or some other equally 
absurd notion?

Watched it. Yep, no god.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad 


 mike have missed the boat...( the point)... watch the brazilian tribe 
doc..then tell me "there is no "god"...merle

Just because belief in a god gives comfort it doesn't make it true. 


Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad 

 From:  Merle Lester <>; 
To: <>; 
Subject:  Re: [Zen] Re: the human body 
Sent:  Sun, Aug 25, 2013 1:23:16 AM 


 mike..explain yourself please..
and KG.... not true...on a beautiful spring day one rejoices and gives thanks 
that one has eyes to see and ears to hear and a tongue to speak..merle
And comfort is only sought when dis-eased.  


On 8/24/2013 4:19 AM, wrote:

>Utility is no measure of Truth.





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