On May 2, 2012, at 7:28 AM, Paolo Bolzoni wrote:
> [snip]
> Unfortunately they do not work. It seems the subscriber
> cannot read any message. To me the classes seems a
> translation in Java of the C files, so I have no idea of
> the problem.
> I tried listening the wire using wireshare and in the Java
> version there are only few upd packets while in the C
> version there are plenty. Once again I am clueless.
> I am on linux 3.3.4 and I am using ØMQ 2.2.0 compiled with
> pgm support. jzmq has been cloned from github yesterday.
> (really there is no jzmq in any public maven repository?)
> What can I try?

Try using TCP transport to get a simple example working. Once you do, then try 
to use pgm. You need to start simple before you add the complexity of pgm which 
is hard to debug.


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