On May 25, 2012, at 9:24 AM, <jonathan.me...@schneider-electric.com> 
<jonathan.me...@schneider-electric.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I plan to bring ZeroMQ into my codebase to start testing out its pub/sub 
> capabilities. I had brought in ZeroMQ 2.1 in a former project and found it a 
> bit painful to resolve the uuid dependency on the embedded Linux platform we 
> use. I hear 3.1 no longer contains that dependency and am interested in 
> jumping to that revision if it is fairly stable. There are also some other 
> features in 3.1 that I could benefit from. Is there a timeframe as to when 
> 3.1 will be considered the new “stable release”? Are there any big issues 
> with it today?

3.1 will probably be released very soon (next week or two). You can see the 
remaining "big issues" by taking a look at the JIRA issues open for it. 

Based upon irc discussions and questions on this list, there are already quite 
a few people using it (github master is essentially 3.1 right now). I haven't 
heard of any major problems.

Give it a try and let us know how it works for you.


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