The "norm_engine" code be easily adapted to provide best effort to 
quasi-reliable, to reliable real-time video messaging for unicast or multicast 
destination addresses.  The following "options" would need to be set on the 
NORM sender / publisher session initialization:

Before the NormStartSender() function is called, the following options would 
need to be invoked:

1) These options cause the NORM sender to always accept new messages enqueued 
even if older messages in its transmit buffer are pending repair transmission.  
This way the real-time delivery of the video stream is maintained regardless of 
network conditions.  I.e., reliability is attempted within network round-trip 
time and buffering constraints, but otherwise the video stream delivery "pushes 
ahead" regardless.  To support this the congestion control feature should also 
be disabled and a fixed transmit rate suitable to support your video stream 
should be set.

NormSetFlowControl(norm_session, 0.0);
NormSetPushEnable(norm_session, true);
NormSetCongestionControl(norm_session, false);
NormSetTxRate(norm_session, <bits / sec>);

2) The NormSetAutoParity() call can be used to add some portion of 
erasure-filling Forward Error Correction (FEC) code "parity" packets to the 
video stream.  The current norm_engine code sets modest FEC parameters in the 
call to NormStartSender() made in norm_engine::init() in norm_engine.cpp.

The NormStartSender() FEC parameters are the "numData" and "numParity" values 
which determines the number of user data (e.g. video content) packets per each 
logical coding block and the "numParity" parameter is the number of FEC parity 
packets computed and cached per coding block.  Normally, these computed parity 
packets are not transmitted until the receiver(s) send a NACK asking for 
repair.  However, the "auto parity" feature allows the sender to be configured 
to send some portion of those packets alongs with each block of user data 

Erasure coding is used that treats "packets" much the same way that a disk 
volume is treated in a RAID array. Similar to how if a disk fails, the RAID can 
recover itself, the use of erasure coding in NORM allows missing packets to be 
recovered.  For example, if the "numData" value is 16 and the "auto parity" 
value is set to 2, NORM will transmit 18 packets for every 16 packets of user 
data and the receiver can lose any 2 of the packets for the block and still 
recover the data as if no packet loss occurred.

In fact the receiver application can call NormSetSilentReceiver(norm_session, 
true) to disable NACKing and receive content with some measure of reliability 
without sending any feedback to the sender.  With receiver NACKing disabled 
_andy_ zero auto parity, NORM essentially then provides something like UDP best 
effort message delivery (while still doing fragmentation and re-assembly for 
messages larger than a single packet payload)

3) Another aspect of the NormStartSender() call is the "stream buffer" size 
that is set.  This determines how much buffering the sender and receivers use.  
With "push enabled", etc and quasi reliable delivery, the buffer size 
determines the maximum latency (due to buffering) for a given video rate.  So 
the buffer size can be adjusted accordingly.

Currently there are not socket options in the ZeroMQ API to adjust NORM in 
these ways.  One possibility would to have a different, variant "norm" protocol 
type (e..g "normv://<address>/<port>" to denote "norm video" transport or 

For the moment, if you wanted to hack up the "norm_engine" a little bit to try 
this, I would be happy to help out.



On Mar 25, 2014, at 7:01 PM, Pieter Hintjens <> wrote:

> There's no explicit retransmissions in 0MQ, though TCP will do that
> for dropped packets.
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:48 PM, George Kumar <> wrote:
>> Hi Pieter,
>> Does PUB-SUB do retransmissions at the TCP level ? We do not need
>> retransmissions as that will impact the real time nature of our application.
>> Even though pub-sub is unreliable overall, I am wondering if retransmissions
>> happen to make sure a message is reliably delivered.  Having a flag that
>> says "no retransmissions" will also be helpful.
>> Thanks.
>> George
>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 1:40 AM, Pieter Hintjens <> wrote:
>>> George,
>>> You can probably send video to a handful of recipients over TCP, using
>>> pub-sub sockets. It depends totally on the video size, compression,
>>> etc. UDP multicast isn't going to help unless the recipients are on
>>> the same network. Semi-reliable UDP (like UDT) might help on some
>>> networks. However TCP will mostly do just fine for your case.
>>> -Pieter
>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 1:24 AM, George Kumar <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Sorry if this too basic a question for most for you on the list. I have
>>>> a
>>>> requirement where I need to multicast video to up to 3 recipients. I am
>>>> considering ZMQ PUB/SUB model. But ZMQ does not have the option of using
>>>> UDP
>>>> for transport. TCP is generally discouraged for real time data like
>>>> video.
>>>> So what do you folks think ?
>>>> Appreciate your feedback.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> George
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