On 6/10/16 20:18, Trevor Bernard wrote:
Don't worry about sponsorship. My company will pay to renew them for
the next while (within reason). Just send me the details and I'll pay
the the bill.

Replying to the list, since a couple of people have asked.

I think Doron would much appreciate someone paying for the ZeroMQ related domains (first list below) for a while.

For the others, it's probably only worth paying for them if (a) they point at something useful that is difficult to find another way (or linked to a lot) or (b) it'd be problematic if a domain squatter got hold of the name. Pieter actively took most of these off auto-renew, expecting them to expire -- I talked with him about it earlier in the year, and he clearly intended to let many of them expire. So it doesn't seem helpful to renew the ones that Pieter planned to let go without a good reason.

ZeroMQ-related Domains (now held by Doron; I'm sure he'd welcome someone paying their renewal fees -- around EUR 12-13/domain/year I think):


Book-related domains (not sure if all of these got set up/used, but clearly reserved for books Pieter was working on; dates are the current expiry date):

codeconnected.org (2016-12-14)
cultureandempire.com (2017-08-05)
psychopathcode.com (2017-09-28)
thepsychopathcode.com (2017-09-28)
scalablec.org (2017-01-08)
scalable-c.com (2017-01-31)
scalablec.com (2017-01-31)

(only cultureandempire.com is marked to auto-renew, and I'm not sure if that was intended or just overlooked when turning off auto-renew; the ones that point at something mostly seem to point at the relevant gitbook page.)


hintjens.com (2017-10-24)

(Transferred to a family member earlier this year, on the condition that hintjens.com itself stayed pointing at Pieter's blog and they kept paying to renew it; I'm sure they'd be pleasantly surprised if someone were to pay to renew it for a couple more years.)

Software projects (past/present/future):

changeflow.com (2017-03-07)
openamq.org (2017-08-21)
restms.org (2020-10-30)

(as noted in my earlier message someone just paid to renew restms.org for several years -- thanks; the other two are old iMatix projects, and AFAICT the changeflow.com one doesn't point at anything)

Activism related:

digistan.org (2017-09-24)
eupaco.org (2017-10-25)

(These two are on auto-renew from the remaining prepaid balance of Pieter's account, but might be good candidates for transfer if there was someone clearly community supported to take custody of them as an archive)

Other (unknown/not pointing at anything):

xpoc.org (2016-10-21)
formiq.io (2017-01-07)
swsi.info (2016-10-10)
smooth.af (2017-02-01; seems to be a Rick Roll, not sure why)
freeandopenwar.com (2017-02-14)
ipocracy.org (2016-11-16; redirect to hintjens.com)
smoothscript.com (2017-02-15)
brusselsvalley.com (2017-02-28)

I think all of those "other" ones might as well expire unless someone recognises an in-progress project they were supposed to go with.

Plus three "iMatix" domains which I or one of the ex-iMatix developers will pay for (as noted in my earlier message the main one, imatix.com, just got renewed for several years by kind donation). And two "Xitami" (early iMatix webserver) related ones which might as well just expire in a couple of years -- Xitami hasn't been an active project in about 10 years.

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