From the Outside, Looking In

Recently, the crew of a US naval cruiser in the Persian Gulf was alarmed by
the actions of some nearby Iranian speedboats, potentially sparking a
confrontation. Commenting on the almost-incident, US Presidential hopeful Fred
Thompson <>
, <> "I think one more step and they would
have been introduced to those virgins that they're looking forward to

Okay, is there anyone out there who hasn't seen or heard the stereotype—the
caricature—often enough to get his joke? I didn't think so. In fact, in the
past six years, we've heard some version of this joke so many times that
it's already come to feel old. There's a whole battery of these jokes by
now, with themes ranging from Islamic terrorism to… um, Islamic terrorism.
And while America has a nice little collective chuckle over this, I can't
help but wonder if it would have been quite so funny if Thompson had made an
equivalent joke about Jews, Mormons, or Baptists, for instance. I have to
wonder why fair-minded, clear-thinking people aren't up in arms over this.

I remember only two years ago when a politician referred to a young
Indian-American as
and—though it never became entirely clear what the hell he was even talking
about—his political career was effectively destroyed by a backlash against
that single imprudent utterance. And last year former US President Jimmy
Carter <> was
hounded by the American press and accused of anti-Semitism for comparing the
condition of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories to life under South
African Apartheid.

But speaking of Muslims as fanatics and terrorists is not even considered
bad manners; it's seen as a comic expression of the truth. Suggesting that
it might be a bit more complicated—that it's ridiculous and hateful to so
simplify a group of people who comprise not less than 22% of the world
population at last count, across nationalities, skin colors, political
beliefs, socioeconomic levels, athletic abilities, educational backgrounds,
language groups, intelligence levels, talents, personalities, local
histories, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, varying degrees of
faith and religiosity, and whatnot (you know, the ordinary human variety you
might expect to find across nearly a quarter of humanity distributed around
the globe)—gets you branded as an apologist for terrorism, if you're not
Muslim, and may well get you worse if you are.

I'm sorry, I really don't understand the math here.


[Above: Random photos of Muslims]

It's no wonder that the Muslims held up as media darlings in the US right
now are Khaled Hosseini <>,
author of The Kite Runner <>, and Ayaan
Hirsi Ali <>, author of
(unwittingly) fuel the rhetoric of those who need to convince
that Muslims have a greater capacity for "evil" or are in need of saving by
the West. Having listened to an
Ms Ali, it's my impression that she actually intends to deliver a more
nuanced message of Muslim realities. But as a hopeful newcomer to the West,
she perhaps doesn't realize how she plays into the hands of the haters, that
her real contribution is finally but to put flesh on the American Nightmare.
I understand that she's a brave and intelligent woman who has surmounted
unimaginable horrors in her life. But presenting herself as an expert on
Muslims, when it's not
she knows much about the history and culture of Muslims across the
globe, and focusing exclusively on the local cultural pathologies that
caused the trauma she suffered—important though it is—to the exclusion of a
broader view or deeper understanding, does nothing to humanize the
caricature of Muslims or advance the dialog. Few of her readers in the US
will read her pronouncements with any kind of informed perspective or
insight. Because most Americans frankly don't want much perspective and
insight on Muslims. It's well known that understanding makes it much harder
to vilify and kill people. So the only Muslims who get airtime in the States
are the ones who say what we want to hear. It lets us feel not just
vindicated but downright open-minded and receptive in our collective willful

The funny thing is, non-Muslim Americans can actually know quite a lot about
Muslims if they keep in mind that, first and foremost, Muslims are just
regular human beings exactly like themselves. A little self-knowledge can go
a long way toward knowledge of the Other.

But the *really* funny thing is that non-Muslim Americans, particularly the
Christian majority among us, can know more than they ever dreamed they could
know about Muslims if they remember that Christians are not much different.

As an outsider to the constellation of Old Testament, monotheistic faith
traditions, it seems to me that the reason Christians and Muslims keep
beating each other up is partly because they believe they have divine
sanction to beat each other up, along with other non-believers. Christianity
and Islam are both religions of conquest and domination with exclusive
claims to the truth, and the mission of bringing god's love and message of
peace to the heathen and infidel masses.

Like Christians, Muslims first set out to conquer foreign lands in hope of
gaining riches, territory, slaves, and general world domination. But while
Christians <> gained heathen
converts through a program of coercion, torture, and mass murder, formally
known as Inquisition <>, Muslims
generally didn't force conversion to Islam. Rather, they tolerated other
faiths, with special consideration given to Christianity and Judaism (*
dhimmi* <>), though that didn't stop them
from asserting their superiority, destroying temples, desecrating statuary
and holy sites, and lopping off enough infidel heads as they went about
their business of conquest. In the 1500s, when expelled from Christian
Spain, the Jews took welcome refuge in Muslim lands.

It is fair to say that Islam doesn't teach hatred and violence any more than
does Christianity, nor is one more a religion of peace than the other. And
just like most Christians, who routinely ignore or rationalize away
injunctions for violence and murder that appear in the New Testament, most
Muslims ignore or rationalize away injunctions for violence and murder in
the Quran. First comes the everyday business of life: finding work, falling
in love, raising kids; life comes to take the place of dialectics. All
religious people cherry pick and conveniently interpret their beliefs and
moral systems from their books of choice.

Yes, of course there are Muslim "extremists" and fanatics. But no more than
there are Christian "extremists" and fanatics. Consider, for instance, these
Christians working in Iraq under the protection of the US army:

   YouTube: Radical Christian Missionaries in

This is the kind of story that would never appear on a US media source.
Unlikely even in the "alternative" media. But militant Christian zeal is
alive and well in the US. For more, check out the 2006 documentary Jesus
Camp <>. No religion has a monopoly on
fanaticism. It's outrageous, blind, and dishonest to point fingers at other
religious groups and call *them* fanatics.

We have Christian *jihadis*, too. Instead of sending out suicide bombers,
these religious "extremists" use the US Armed Forces as their instrument.
Whole nations are terrorized by them in their zeal to remake the world
according to their own plan, but we don't call them terrorists because they
pander to our prejudices and claim to serve our interests. Most Americans
will argue that these holy warriors among us are only a fringe group; but
this is true in exactly the same way that it's true of Muslim holy warriors.

That's not to say that every US soldier fights in the name of a holy war;
each soldier has his or her own reason for signing up. But to President
Bush, who doesn't hesitate to frame this conflict in religious terms, and
many Christians in the United States who follow him, the
nothing less than their holy warriors. Even if they don't see
of their biggest
cheerleaders <> largely
do.<>And to recruit more soldiers
to their way of thinking, some soldiers have
founded an organization called Force
whose mission is to inculcate in soldiers a commitment to the notion that
they are fighting in the name of Christianity.

Here's another point of perspective from a 2006 article in USA
Americans' feelings toward American Muslims (emphasis mine):

Thirty-nine percent say they harbor at least some prejudice against Muslims,
according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll earlier this year. *The same percentage
favor requiring U.S. Muslims — citizens included — to carry special
IDs.*About a third say U.S. Muslims sympathize with al-Qaeda.

Does this sound eerily familiar? Ignorance, bigotry, and hatred are no more
foreign to the spirit of  American culture than to any culture, anywhere.
But the fact that it seems to be quite common doesn't make it any less ugly
or terrifying to me. The most dangerous mistake a people can make is to
refuse to see the ordinary humanity of even those they choose to make their
enemies; a stance of moral superiority is the one most likely to bring out
in us exactly what we hate in the other.

We cannot be complacent about prejudice, fear, and hatred within ourselves
and our own tribe. We must keep chipping away at our own hatreds, first. We
must be aware of our own hypocricies and weaknesses, constantly examinining
ourselves from the outside.

 Posted by Usha Alexander in
Politics <>,
Religion <> |

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