U. S. Imperialism, Hands Off Latin America

Below we print part of a speech given by Michael Thorburn, a
representative of the Workers Party, U.S.A., at a Chicago-area
meeting organized by the Peace Agenda Forum on October 21, 2004. For
the purposes of publication, the speech has been edited by the author.

Very simply, the aim of my speech is to encourage everyone here to
work to make sure that the slogan: "U.S., Hands Off Latin America!"

Is a central part of the peace movement and the political agenda of
the American people.

This issue is fundamental because, as the saying goes, "no nation
which oppresses another can be free." Thus, our Party - the Workers
Party - holds that it is the elementary responsibility of every
person who genuinely stands for democracy and the rights of humanity
to resolutely oppose the national oppression and military
intervention imposed on other countries by our "own government."

And everyone knows that for more than 100 years, the U.S. government
and the U.S. monopoly capitalist class has considered Latin America
their "backyard" and imposed colonialism and neocolonialism on the

Today, U.S. imperialism is intensifying its stranglehold over Latin
America as part of its so-called "war on terrorism." Historically,
Latin America is the foundation of the U.S. empire. And as U.S.
imperialism fights to extend this empire - to create a unipolar world
with itself as the "sole superpower" - it is determined to fortify
its strategic base.

- Thus, we see that in February of this year, thousands of U.S.
marines invaded Haiti, kidnapped the elected President and began
restoring open U.S. colonial rule.

- We see the U.S. branding the Colombian people as "terrorists" and
stepping up its direct military intervention in a counter-insurgency
war which aims at suppressing Colombia's struggle for independence,
democracy and social and economic progress. We see U.S. imperialism
using "Plan Colombia" to stretch its military presence and activities
throughout the Andes region, militarizing Ecuador and Peru,
threatening Venezuela and Bolivia, etc.

- We see the U.S. government tightening its blockade - its war -
against Cuba and publicly publishing a blueprint for military
intervention and the reimposition of U.S. colonialism in Cuba.

- We see the U.S. government - through the CIA, the National
Endowment for Democracy, and the highest officials of the government -
carrying out a destabilization campaign against the elected,
constitutional government of Venezuela.

- We see U.S. capitalism intensifying its economic penetration of the
continent, dictating austerity budgets and privatization programs to
various governments, pressuring countries to accept such treaties as
the Central American Free Trade Agreement, the Andes Free Trade
Agreement, the Free Trade Area of the Americas and various bilateral
treaties which aim at virtual U.S. annexation of Latin America.

History of U.S. Intervention

Before going more deeply into some of these sharpening immediate
struggles, I want to review some of the background of U.S.
intervention in Latin America. This history helps us see where
present-day problems come from, helps us see that the super-
exploitation and war against the peoples of Latin America is built
into the very foundations of present-day U.S. capitalist-imperialism
and that for more than 100 years this colonialism has been the
bipartisan program of both the Democratic and Republican parties.

>From the very founding of the U.S. republic, U.S. capitalism
expressed an appetite for Latin America. For example, by proclaiming
the Monroe Doctrine in 1823, the U.S. government declared that the
entire Western Hemisphere was its sphere of influence and warned
European powers to stay out.

But in its early days, U.S. capitalism, despite its appetite, did not
have the power to project itself too far. This changed around the
turn of the 20th century as the era of monopoly capitalism and
imperialism began.

U. S. capitalism emerged as a major imperialist power by waging the
so-called "Spanish-American War," which really was a war waged by the
U. S. government against the peoples of Puerto Rico, Cuba and the
Philippines who were already fighting for their independence from
Spain. Through this war, the U.S. imposed direct colonial rule on
Puerto Rico and Cuba (as well as the Philippines), marking the
beginning of the wholesale export of U.S. capital and U.S. marines to
Latin America - the beginning of U.S. economic and, to a large
extent, territorial domination of the continent.

This colonial project was codified by President Theodore Roosevelt in
his famous "Roosevelt corollary" to the Monroe Doctrine which
asserted U.S. imperialism's intention to intervene in the internal
affairs of Latin American countries to control their economic and
political systems.

Roosevelt's doctrine reads, in part:

"Any country whose people conduct themselves well, can count upon our
hearty friendship. If a nation shows that it knows how to act with
reasonable efficiency and decency in social and political matters, if
it keeps order and pays its obligations, it need fear no interference
from the U.S. Chronic wrong-going or an impotence which results in a
general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in
America, ... require intervention by some civilized nations, and in
the western hemisphere the adherence of the U.S. to the Monroe
Doctrine may force the U.S... to the exercise of an international
[police] power."

These early years of "gunboat diplomacy" are well described by a U.S.
General - Smedley Butler, who writes in his memoirs: "I spent 33
years and four months in active service as a member of our country's
most agile military force - the marine corps. I served in all
commissioned ranks from a second lieutenant to major-general. And
during that period I spent most of my time being a highclass muscle
man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short,
I was a racketeer for capitalism .... Thus I helped make Mexico and
especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped
make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank to
collect revenues in . . . I helped purify Nicaragua for the
International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought
light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916.

I helped make Honduras "right" For American fruit companies in 1903."
(quoted from Eduardo Galeano, "Open Veins of Latin America," 1971).

In fact, over the years, U.S. government has waged hundreds of wars
and military interventions against the peoples of Latin America and
these wars have been waged by every administration, Democratic and

A partial list of some of the major U.S. wars since the 1950's

- in 1954 CIA-trained U.S. troops invaded Guatemala to carry out a
coup against the Arbenz government and reverse the country's agrarian
reform which went against the economic interests of United Fruit;

- in 1959 the U.S. began widescale covert intervention against Cuba
after the revolutionary government undertook land reform and the
nationalization of certain U.S.-owned enterprises. Over the years, U.
S. intervention has resulted in the murder of hundreds of Cuban
activists, workers, peasants, and students by U.S. covert operatives.

In 1961 the U.S. launched the "Bay of Pigs" invasion, and later
Kennedy threatened Cuba with nuclear war, etc.;

- in 1965, some 50,000 U.S. troops invaded the Dominican Republic;

- in 1973 the CIA-organized a coup in Chile which overthrow the
elected government and resulted in the murder, imprisonment and
exiling of tens of thousands of Chileans;

- in the late 1970's and throughout the 1980's, U.S. advisers on the
ground directed the counter-insurgency war in El Salvador which
resulted in 80,000 killed and 1.5 million Salvadorans exiled.

- in the 1980's, the CIA directed the "contra war" against Nicaragua
which claimed the lives of 30,000 people;

- the 1983 invasion of Grenada by 30,000 troops in 1983;

- in 1985 invasion of Panama.

In sum, for more than 100 years, U.S. imperialism has imposed a
series of fascist, military regimes on the peoples in Latin America
and has been in a permanent state of war against the continent.

Just as today the U.S. government, in its war against Iraq, can rely
only on doublespeak to advertise its aggression as "defense of
democracy," to label its destruction and devastation of Iraq
as "preventing chaos," etc., so too all the war and fascism imposed
on Latin America by U.S. imperialism has been carried out in the name
of "freedom" and "democracy."

At the time of the Monroe Doctrine, Henry Clay, Secretary of State,
justified U.S. imperial ambitions by calling for "a human freedom
league encompassing all nations from Hudson Bay to Cape Horn."

The U.S. wars against the Puerto Rican and Cuban people were waged in
the name of "bringing freedom and civilization" to the people.

The invasions of Guatemala and Grenada were carried out in the name
of "restoring democracy." The contras mercenaries and the
paramilitary death squads in El Salvador, Colombia and elsewhere are
called "freedom fighters" by the leaders of the U.S. government.

The 1965 invasion of the Dominican Republic like the ongoing
occupation of Haiti are justified as a means to "prevent chaos and

The U.S. blockade of Cuba and its plan for armed intervention are
given such names as the "Cuban Democracy Act" and "Assistance for a
Free Cuba." The U.S. government works to destabilize the elected
government in Venezuela by branding President Chavez as a "dictator."

The truth is that the path to democracy for peoples in Latin America
is and can only be the path of struggle against U.S. imperialism -
against its subversion, aggression, and support for internal
reactionary regimes.

For the American people, a very touchstone of our commitment to
genuine democracy is resolute, uncompromising struggle against any
and all interference by the U.S. capitalist-imperialist government in
Latin America. The touchstone of genuine American democracy, a vital
part of opposition to the colonialism, racism and war program of "our
own" government is to struggle to get U.S. imperialism out of Latin
America, lock, stock and barrel!

Economic Basis

Of course, behind all this military intervention are the economic
interests of the U.S. monopoly capitalist class.

Everyone knows that in Latin America whole countries have been turned
into plantations - banana plantations, coffee plantations, sugar
plantations, rubber plantations, etc. - owned by U.S. agri-businesses.

The fertile soil of Latin America has not been used to feed its
people but turned into profits for the U.S. capitalists. Thus for
example El Salvador has lost its self-sufficiency in food as its land
has been used to grow and export coffee for the U.S. capitalists. And
along with pillaging the land, U.S. imperialism - in alliance with
the local oligarchy and fascist regimes - expropriated, by force of
arms, the land of the peasants, abolished their communal and other
indigenous ownership systems, and deprived millions of people of
their livelihood. This same story, repeated in different forms all
across the continent, is one of the root causes of today's war in the
Colombian countryside, where for 100 years peasants have been
fighting to keep their land and livelihood from armed expropriation
by landlords in alliance with U.S. imperialism.

So too the mineral wealth of the soil, the patrimony of the peoples,
has literally been drained and carted out of Latin America. Just as
the conquistadors looted the gold of the indigenous peoples, the U.
S. capitalists have grabbed billions of dollars in wealth by taking
the copper of Chile, the tin of Bolivia, the oil of Venezuela and
Mexico, the bauxite of Haiti, etc., etc.

While grabbing the raw materials and mineral wealth, the U.S.
multinational corporations have set up branch plants across Latin
America in order to exploit the working class. Under the thumb of U.
S.-imposed governments, Latin American workers are super-exploited
and often prevented from exercising such elementary rights as the
right to unionize. Today, for example, after U.S. imperialism drained
Haiti of its huge bauxite reserves, robbing the national patrimony of
the people, 150 U.S. companies have set up shop in the country,
paying workers as little as $1.60/day.

During the last several years, under the signboard of "neo-liberal
economics," U.S. imperialism has been intensifying its economic
penetration and superexploitation of Latin America. Through military,
economic and political pressure, through bilateral and multilateral
such as the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Central American
Free Trade Agreement, the Free Trade Area of the Americas, etc.,
through the IMF and other international financial institutions,
imperialism is directly dictating the budget of Latin American
countries, forcing the privatization of state-owned industries,
grabbing control of virtually the entire economic infrastructure. The
goal if the virtual annexation of the continent by U.S. capital.

By 2001, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean owned $787
billion to U.S. and international bankers and were paying more than
$150 billion/year in debt service (see U.S Commerce
Department's "Survey of Current Business," September 2002).

This huge debt in turn is used by imperialism as a lever to further
open up the economies of Latin America to imperialist penetration and

For example, from 1982 to early the 1990's Mexico was forced to
privatize 886 state enterprises out of a total of 1,155 with U.S.
monopolies gaining control over telecommunications, airlines,
banking, mining, steel and other sectors. Similarly in Chile, the
Pinochet regime (installed through a CIA coup) privatized 160 state
corporations, 16 banks and thousands of mines and agricultural
enterprises from 1975 through 1989.

Today, U.S. imperialism is demanding that literally all the wealth
and labor of Latin America be put at its disposal. Various U. S.-
dictated treaties are turning even the water resources over to

U. S. multinational corporations and forbidding Latin American
governments from protecting even such sectors as health care,
education, or the national forests from foreign ownership. U.S.
imperialism aims at nothing less than the virtual annexation of the

As U.S. imperialism spreads its net across Latin America, the
apologists for capitalism, portray this process as the road
to "economic opportunity, freedom and development."

But, this is just economic doublespeak. The only "freedom" aimed at
is the "freedom" of the U.S. monopolies to rob the wealth and exploit
the peoples.

Why is it that Latin America remains economically underdeveloped and
so many of the people live in poverty and hardship? The continent has
fabulously rich soil and vast mineral wealth. And only the racist
filth of imperialism could claim that the people don't work and
create new values.

The real problem is precisely that the values created by the labor of
the people leaves their countries and goes to Wall Street and
Washington, D.C. to fill the pockets of the U.S. capitalists. The
labor of the people does not go to insure their well-being or the
economic independence and development of the Latin American
countries, it is, instead, poured into the foundations of U.S.
imperialism's empire.

So just as the path to genuine democracy in Latin America can only be
the path of struggle against U.S. intervention, so too, the path of
economic development and social progress can only be the path of
struggle against the exploiting, colonial relations imposed on Latin
America by U.S. capitalist-imperialism. This is the path of
cancelling the debt, the path of putting the handcuffs on the
multinational corporations, the path of nationalizing the economic
infrastructure and putting the economic resources of Latin America in
the hands of the peoples themselves.

Looking into the economic basis of U.S. intervention again teaches
the people in the U.S. that our struggle against U.S. militarism and
colonialism in Latin America must strike against the very foundations
of the capitalist-imperialist system. In political terms it means
that the struggle against U.S. intervention must be directed against
the parties of monopoly capital and imperialism - against the
Republicans and Democrats. (to be continued).

(This entire speech will soon be published in pamphlet form. For more
information contact The Worker at P.O. Box 25716, Chicago, IL. 60625;
(312) 409-1127).



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