There is also an excellent review by Sanjay Subrahmanyam at

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Jogesh Motwani <>wrote:

> Indians have won two prestigious global awards this year, Adiga the
> Booker and Rehman the Oscar, both for genuinely mediocre work. Rehman is a
> versatile genius who was ironically honoured for possibly his least creative
> work, but he did not have much control over the circumstances that wrought
> the award, and hopefully it wont tarnish his image much, but in Adiga's
> case, its hard to see him maturing into anything but a global Chetan Bhagat.
> This review does full justice to his work.
> - ZADesk
> The double darkness of Aravind Adiga *The White Tiger*
> by Chandrahas Choudhury
>  **
> *A shorter version of this piece appeared in 
> Mint<>
> .*
> <>When
> compared to the journalist or the scholar, the fiction writer seems absurdly
> free. He or she can construct a story in any way he chooses. His characters
> have freedom to say whatever they like – in fact they are most persuasive
> when we feel them to be “free” of an authorial hand. All we demand in return
> is not that the story be true but that it be *plausible* - that it not
> give the appearance of being contrived.
> But this requirement shows us that the fiction writer’s freedom is actually
> a difficult freedom. Constructing a plausible story from scratch – a story
> in which narration, dialogue, and plot construction work together to produce
> the effect of lived experience – can be harder than reporting or analysing a
> true story. This is the reason why, when judged by the highest standards,
> most novels are failures, some are honorable failures, and few are
> successes.
> Fiction writers can misuse their freedom through simple incompetence, or by
> manipulative plotting, or by a failure to imaginatively realise the inner
> lives of their characters, or by simplified and schematic thinking that
> waters down the complexity of the world. Aravind Adiga’s novel *The White
> Tiger* <>seems 
> especially instructive in this regard, because it seems to me to be
> culpable in all the ways mentioned above.
> *The White Tiger* takes the form of a series of letters addressed by an
> entrepreneur, Balram Halwai, to the Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao. It is a
> slick monologue somewhat reminiscent of Mohsin Hamid’s *The Reluctant
> Fundamentalist<>
> *, but while Hamid’s protagonist Changez addresses the *reader*, Balram
> addresses Wen for no plausible reason: why not Ratan Tata or Rahul Bajaj
> instead?. Over the course of seven nights, Balram tells Wen the story of how
> he was for long a denizen of “the Darkness” and how, after murdering his
> employer, he made good.
> Some other reviews of Adiga’s novel have praised Balram’s cynical,
> worldweary voice as a refreshing view-from-below, an antidote to romantic
> thinking about “the new India”. But they ignore the extent to which *The
> White Tiger* itself participates in the perpetuation of simple binaries.
> “Please understand, Your Excellency,” declares Balram to Wen, “that India is
> two countries in one: an India of Light, and an India of Darkness”. The two
> most conspicuous words in the narrative are “malls” (prosperous,
> materialistic urban India) and “the Darkness” (benighted, suffering rural
> India), a realm of rapacious landlords, corrupt politicians, and fatalistic
> citizens reconciled to living in “the coop”.
> Elections in the Darkness are always rigged. “I am India’s most faithful
> voter, and I have still not seen the inside of a voting booth,” declares
> Balram. “I’ve heard that people in the other India get to vote for
> themselves,” says Balram’s father. Balram’s village, Laxmangarh, has many
> malnourished children with eyes that shine “like the guilty conscience of
> the government of India”.
> Now it is certainly true that India’s malnourished children are an
> indictment of government. But would a man like Balram – himself a murderer
> and a corrupt entrepreneur who knows how to work the system – conceptualise
> a situation in these terms? Or is this just Adiga speaking to the reader
> over the head of his character, trying to score some points for being a
> bleeding heart?
> Would a man like Balram, who calls himself a "half-baked man" because he
> was never allowed to complete his schooling, be able to declare, as Balram
> does, that "Only three nations have never let themselves be ruled by
> foreigners: China, Afghanistan, and Abyssinia"? We are never quite sure what
> to make of Balram, because Adiga cannot convincingly inhabit the voice or
> perspective of a hick from the hinterland. We get not Balram, but
> Adiga/Balram, and we find the sometimes attractive cynicism of the character
> ("There are three main diseases of this country, sir: typhoid, cholera, and
> election fever") mixed up with the manipulative cynicism of the novelist,
> who is not willing to set realistic limits on the character's imagination.
> Among the many problems in *The White Tiger* – the literary problems
> engendered by the peculiar way in which the book is written, not the
> problems of all the desperate Indian people in “the Darkness” – is that of
> dialogue. Now, dialogue is almost always a knotty issue for the Indian
> novelist writing in English, because it requires a kind of translation of
> speech that Indian readers, at least, would recognise is not emanating from
> a speaker of English.
> The challenge for the Indian novelist then is to bend or tint his English
> in such a way that it suggests something of the character’s background, the
> register and the stresses of his speech, and the limits of his vocabulary in
> a productive way. That is to say, his challenge, if he is working broadly
> within the conventions of the realist novel, is the challenge posed by *
> all* dialogue, with one additional factor thrown in: the sense that this
> is an analogue of speech in the character’s native tongue. In this sense his
> attitude towards dialogue might be helpfully understood as being similar to
> the attitude of a skilled translator.
> But there is no evidence in *The White Tiger*, with its long stretches of
> tepid and predictable exchanges between characters, that Adiga has thought
> seriously about this issue. As with another contemporary Indian novelist, 
> Manil
> Suri<>,
> his lead characters seem peculiarly rootless because they speak in such a
> way as to elide significant distinctions of class and background: these
> writers attempt to produce realism in social and political detail without
> taking the trouble over realism in character.
> Adiga’s dialogue has a kind of colonial hangover. Early in the novel, we
> see Balram at his first day at his ramshackle village school, being asked by
> the teacher for his name. Balram says that neither his mother nor his father
> ever gave him a name other than his nickname “Munna” (itself an improbable
> claim). “Well, it’s up to me then, isn’t it?” says the teacher, sounding
> suspiciously like he himself went to school in England. Because there is
> already a Ram in the class, the teacher names the boy “Balram”, and asks,
> “You know who Balram was, don’t you?” Later Balram’s nephew asks him, “Give
> me a glass of milk, won’t you, Uncle?” At a booze shop in Delhi, Balram gets
> to the counter and shouts, “Whisky! The cheapest kind! Immediate service –
> or someone will get hurt, I swear!” Balram’s fellow drivers shout out to him
> one evening, “Come join us, maharaja of Buckingham!”
> Adiga knows enough about characters living in “the Light” to throw in a few
> f-words into their speech (“we have this fucked-up system called
> parliamentary democracy...”; “What a fucking joke!”). But, just like other
> denizens of the Light whom Balram criticises, Adiga himself is unable to
> engage with the Darkness, and is himself in the dark about how a character
> from this domain might think and speak. The anglicisms of his rustics as
> they rail about “the Light” might be read as complaints about no one more
> than the author himself, who patronises them in the same way that their
> employers patronise them.
> Adiga’s story actually becomes distasteful in one of the book’s closing
> scenes. Balram now runs a taxi service in Bangalore under the alias Ashok
> Sharma. One of his drivers knocks down and kills a youth. Balram/Ashok has
> contacts with the (inevitably corrupt) police, and gets the case hushed up.
> As a gesture of charity, he visits the aged parents of the deceased with a
> compensation of twenty-five thousand rupees. The mother will not take it.
> But “the old man, the father, was eyeing the envelope”, reports Balram.
> Eventually they take the money.
> This scene is reprehensible not because Balram is so despicable, but
> because of Adiga’s implication that anybody – even parents whose grief is
> fresh as a wound – can be bought in India as long as the price is right. The
> other India that *The White Tiger* purports to investigate is certainly
> grotesque, but Adiga, no less than Balram, feasts upon and exaggerates its
> grotesquerie.
> And some posts about recent Indian novels which similarly suffocate their
> characters: Raj Kamal Jha's *Fireproof*
> <>and
> Manil Suri's *The Age of 
> Shiva<>
> ,* and on two novels which realise Adiga's crudely imagined "Darkness"
> much more successfully: Amitava Kumar's *Home Products*
> <>and
> Siddharth Chowdhury's *Patna 
> Roughcut<>
> *.

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