Dear friends,
  We started collecting donations for 2007 Ambedkar Schlarships. Please come 
forward with your donations. Our need is so great this year as we are planning 
to expand to other states. We are running this project with utmost care and 
deligence. As I had explained in my last mail our overhead costs are less than 
  Please let me know if you want to encourage a bright student. It is very easy 
to ignore this type of mails. But, before doing so, please think of your days 
as a student and the struggles you may have experience for lack of a few 
thousand rupees. This is the time for you to help a bright but economically 
backward student. We all know how much we spend on expenses that are useless or 
just for pleasure. It is OK, but we need to think of our fellow brethren who 
need encouragement. For those who are new to our project:
   This small project is started in 2003 just to satisfy our desire to help the 
financially and socially backward but bright young students of India, not for 
fame or glory and we operate in such a fashion. The beneficiaries are Dalit 
students at present.  
   We run this project with 100% transparency and every detail of a donation, 
an expense, and beneficiary will be posted on our website . Currently our website is down.  
   Apart of scholarships, we also undertake other issues when they come to our 
notice and feel worthy to receive our help.  
   You may sponsor one or more scholarships for Rs.5,500 or $150 each; donate 
whatever the amount you like; donate books useful to our students.  
   50% of scholarships are reserved for girls.  
   You may donate for a variety of purposes as we have several projects – 
Scholarships for regular students, scholarships for children from scavenging 
families, one time help for students for professional courses like Nursing, 
micro-loans, recognition of people in their fields, helping victims of 
unspeakable caste atrocities etc.  
   If you sponsor an entire scholarship we match a student with your donation 
and name the scholarship as you wish. We print your name on the certificate of 
achievement handed over to the student.  
   We run this project with as democratically as possible implementing every 
viable suggestion come from the donors.  
   We entirely depend on the goodwill of our donors. We do not have any 
corporate donations.  
   We are all volunteers and do not take any salary or honorarium while doing 
this. So, every penny donated will be used wisely with less overhead costs.  
   We are operating in AP and Tamilnadu and planning to operate in Maharashtra, 
UP this year.  
   You can designate your scholarship to a girl or boy, to a school or district 
in the state we operate. 
  So, friends, please come forward with your donations. We are banking on you. 
If you ignore our request, we have to wind-up this unique project.
  As I have told, this is not for any ones glory. If any capable person wants 
to run the project, I am more than happy to hand-over. So, it is not the people 
who run this project that matters, but it is how is it being run. Check our 
track record and judge if we are doing our job well enough.
  With lots of hopes.
  Benjamin Paul Kaila
  NOTE: I am sorry that our website is down. I am working to fix it ASAP. I 
apologize for it.

An educated man without character and humility was more dangerous than a beast. 
If his education was detrimental to the welfare of poor, he was a curse to 
-Babasaheb Dr B R Ambedkar
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