> Matthew Ahrens wrote:
> > Here is a proposal for a new 'copies' property
> which would allow 
> > different levels of replication for different
> filesystems.
> Thanks everyone for your input.
> The problem that this feature attempts to address is
> when you have some 
> data that is more important (and thus needs a higher
> level of 
> redundancy) than other data.  Of course in some
> situations you can use 
> multiple pools, but that is antithetical to ZFS's
> pooled storage model. 
> (You have to divide up your storage, you'll end up
>  with stranded 
> torage and bandwidth, etc.)
> Given the overwhelming criticism of this feature, I'm
> going to shelve it 
> for now.

Damn! That's a real shame! I was really starting to look forward to that. 
Please reconsider??!

> --matt
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