Hi All,
  I am new to solaris. Please clarify me on the following questions.
  1) On Linux to know the presence of ext2/ext3 file systems on a device we use 
tune2fs command. Similar to tune2fs command is there any command to know the 
presence of ZFS file system on a device ?
  2) When a device is shared between two machines , What our project does is,
  -> Create ext2 file system on device 
  a) Mount the device on machine 1
   b) Write data on the device 
  c) unmount the device from machine 1
  d)mount the device on machine 2
  e) read the data on the device
  f) compare the current read data with previous write data  and report the 
  g) unmount the device from machine 2
  h) Goto step a.
  Like this , Can We share zfs file system between two machines. If so please 
explain it.
  3) Can we create ZFS pools (or ZFS file system ) on VxVm volumes ? if so, how 
  4) Can we share ZFS pools ( ZFS file ststem ) between two machines ?
  5)  Like fsck command on Linux, is there any command  to check the 
consistency of the ZFS file system ?
  your help is appreciated.
  Thanks & Regards

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