On Wed, Sep 26, 2007 at 11:36:57AM -0700, Richard Elling wrote:

> AFAIK, VxVM still only expects one private region per disk.  The private
> region stores info on the configuration of the logical devices on the
> disk, and its participation therein.  ZFS places this data in the on-disk
> format on the vdev, which is radically different.  With ZFS you could
> conceivably have a different storage pool per slice or partition.

Right.  One private region per disk is certainly the standard way to set
up VxVM, but it is not required.  With type=simple, the private and
public data share a slice.

# vxdisk -g testdg list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c1t6d0s5     simple          disk6slice5  testdg       online
c1t6d0s6     simple          disk6slice6  testdg       online
# vxdisk -g testdg list disk6slice5 
Device:    c1t6d0s5
devicetag: c1t6d0
type:      simple
info:      privoffset=1
flags:     online ready private autoimport imported
pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/c1t6d0s5 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/c1t6d0s5
version:   2.1
iosize:    min=512 (bytes) max=2048 (blocks)
public:    slice=5 offset=2305 len=1022520 disk_offset=12510
private:   slice=5 offset=1 len=2048 disk_offset=12510

So the "Disk" name is 'disk6slice5', but that isn't really the name of a
disk on Solaris.  It's just a slice, and I have two of these VM disks on
this physical disk.

> >I'm only suggesting that a common use of both is in a 1:1 situation, and
> >that being able to give names to storage is valuable in that case.  I
> >don't see that the value is diminished becase we can create a
> >configuration where it's less obvious how it would be used.
> I think you are still thinking of the old way of doing things where you
> *had to worry* about disks.  To some degree, ZFS frees you from that
> restriction in that you can worry about storage pools, at a higher level
> of abstraction.  VxVM and SVM got us only part way down the road to 
> abstraction.

I would agree, but I don't think we're completely away from that yet
either.  When auto-identification of disks becomes possible (at whatever
level of the stack makes sense), then that will go a long way toward
good solutions.  In the meantime, adding a name seems easier and
possibly helpful.

Darren Dunham                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS            http://www.taos.com/
Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay area
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