On Fri, 28 Mar 2008, abs wrote:

> Sorry for being vague but I actually tried it with the cifs in zfs 
> option, but I think I will try the samba option now that you mention 
> it.  Also is there a way to actually improve the nfs performance 
> specifically?

CIFS uses TCP.  NFS uses either TCP or UDP, and usually UDP by 

In order to improve NFS client performance, it may be useful to 
increase the 'rsize' and 'wsize' client mount options to 32K. 
Solaris 10 defaults the buffer size to 32K but many other clients use 
8K.  Some clients support a '-a' option to specify the maximum 
read-ahead and tuning this value can help considerably for sequential 
access.  Using gigabit eithernet with jumbo frames will improve 
performance even further.  Notice that most of these tunings are for 
the client-side and not for the server.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

zfs-discuss mailing list
  • ... abs
    • ... Peter Brouwer, Principal Storage Architect, Office of the Chief Technologist, Sun MicroSystems
      • ... abs
        • ... Richard Elling
        • ... Bob Friesenhahn
          • ... Richard Elling
            • ... Bob Friesenhahn
          • ... Darren J Moffat
    • ... Dale Ghent

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