Hi folks,

I use an iSCSI disk mounted onto a Solaris 10 server.  I installed a ZFS file 
system into s2 of the disk.  I exported the disk and cloned it on the iSCSI 
target.  The clone is a perfect copy of the iSCSI LUN and therefore has the 
same zpool name and guid.

My question is: is there any way to change the ZFS guid (and the zpool name, 
but that's easy) on the clone so that I can mount both the original disk and 
clone onto the same Solaris 10 server?  When I attempt to mount both the 
original and cloned iSCSI LUNs onto the server, "zpool attach" only sees one 
disk (I suspect that ZFS is assuming that it's seeing the same disk via 
multi-pathing and therefore only presents one of the "paths" to the 

Thanks in advance,

Damien Lederer
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