On 30 May 2008, at 15:49, J.P. King wrote:

> For _my_ purposes I'd be happy with zfs send/receive, if only it was
> guaranteed to be compatible between versions.  I agree that the  
> inability
> to extract single files is an irritation - I am not sure why this is
> anything more than an implementation detail, but I haven't gone into  
> it in
> depth.

I would presume it is because zfs send/receive works at the block  
level, below the ZFS POSIX layer - i.e., below the filesystem level. I  
would guess that a stream is simply a list of the blocks that were  
modified between the two snapshots, suitable for "re-playing" on  
another pool. This means that the stream may not contain your entire  

An interesting point regarding this is that send/receive will be  
optimal in the case of small modifications to very large files, such  
as database files or large log files. The actual modified/appended  
blocks would be sent rather than the whole changed file. This may be  
an important point depending on your file modification patterns.


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