> Ok, I think I understand.  You're going to be told
> that ZFS send isn't a backup (and for these purposes
> I definately agree),  ...

Hmph. well, even for 'replication' type purposes, what I'm talking about is 
quite useful.
Picture two remote systems, which happen to have "mostly identical" data. 
Perhaps they were manually synced at one time with tar, or something.
Now the company wants to bring them both into full sync... but first analyze 
the small differences that may be present.

In that scenario, it would then be very useful, to be able to do the following:

hostA# zfs snapshot /zfs/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
hostA# zfs send /zfs/[EMAIL PROTECTED] | ssh hostB zfs receive /zfs/[EMAIL 

hostB# diff -r /zfs/prod /zfs/prod/.zfs/snapshots/A >/tmp/prod.diffs

One could otherwise find "files that are different", with rsync -avn. But doing 
it with zfs in this way, "adds value", by allowing you to locally compare old 
and new files on the same machine, without having to do some ghastly manual 
copy of each different file, to a new place, and doing the compare there.
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