On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Brian Hechinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 06, 2008 at 11:31:06AM -0500, Toby Thain wrote:
> >
> > > Its not me. There are people on Linux forums that wont to try out
> > > Solaris + ZFS and this is a concern, for them. What should I tell
> > > them? That it is not fixed? That they have reboot every week?
> > > Someone knows?
> >
> > That it's not recommended for 32 bit systems. There may also be
> > unfixed atomicity issues in 64-bit operations, according to past
> > posts on this list.
> Well, he's talking Linux, which means FUSE, so the issues related to 32-bit
> on Solaris don't apply as ZFS isn't running in kernel space which is where
> the horrid performance issues come from (the ARC cache and the kernel
> fighting
> for address space).  Maybe it would run well under 32-but Linux?  I can't
> speak to that as I refuse to run Linux.
> -brian

"Solaris + ZFS and this is a concern"

Sounds to me like they want to try out solaris + zfs, not "zfs on fuse".

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