On Sat, 13 Dec 2008, Tim wrote:
> Seriously?  Do you know anything about the NetApp platform?  I'm hoping this
> is a genuine question...

I believe that esteemed Sun engineers like Jeff are quite familiar 
with the NetApp platform.  Besides NetApp being one of the primary 
storage competitors, it is a virtual minefield out there and one must 
take great care not to step on other company's patents.

> Off the top of my head nearly all of them.  Some of them have artificial
> limitations because they learned the hard way that if you give customers
> enough rope they'll hang themselves.  For instance "unlimited snapshots".
> Do I even need to begin to tell you what a horrible, HORRIBLE idea that is?
> "Why can't I get my space back?"  Oh, just do a snapshot list and figure out
> which one is still holding the data.  What?  Your console locks up for 8
> hours when you try to list out the snapshots?  Huh... that's weird.

I suggest that you retire to the safety of the rubber room while the 
rest of us enjoy these zfs features. By the same measures, you would 
advocate that people should never be allowed to go outside due to the 
wide open spaces.  Perhaps people will wander outside their homes and 
forget how to make it back.  Or perhaps there will be gravity failure 
and some of the people outside will be lost in space.

There is some activity off the starboard bow, perhaps you should check 
it out ...

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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