Carsten Aulbert <carsten.aulbert <at>> writes:
> In RAID6 you have redundant parity, thus the controller can find out
> if the parity was correct or not. At least I think that to be true
> for Areca controllers :)

Are you sure about that ? The latest research I know of [1] says that 
although an algorithm does exist to theoretically recover from
single-disk corruption in the case of RAID-6, it is *not* possible to
detect dual-disk corruption with 100% certainty. And blindly running
the said algorithm in such a case would even introduce corruption on a
third disk.

This is the reason why, AFAIK, no RAID-6 implementation actually
attempts to recover from single-disk corruption (someone correct me if
I am wrong).

The exception is ZFS of course, but it accomplishes single and
dual-disk corruption self-healing by using its own checksum, which is
one layer above RAID-6 (therefore unrelated to it).



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