> on a UFS ore reiserfs such errors could be corrected.

I think some of these people are assuming your hard drive is broken.  I'm not 
sure what you're assuming, but if the hard drive is broken, I don't think ANY 
file system can do anything about that.

At best, if the disk was in a RAID 5 array, and the other disks worked, then 
the parity from the working disks could correct the broken data on the broken 
drive... but you only have a single disk, not a mirror or a raid 5, so this fix 
can't be done...

I think this might be a case of zfs reporting errors that other file systems 
don't notice.  Your hard drive might have been broken for months without you 
knowing it until now.  In that case the errors aren't the fault of zfs.  It is 
the fault of the broken drive, and the fault of the other file systems for not 
knowing when data is corrupted.  See what I mean?
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