Uwe Dippel wrote:
We have seen some unfortunate miscommunication here, and misinterpretation. 
This extends into differences of culture. One of the vocal person in here is 
surely not 'Anti-xyz'; rather I sense his intense desire to further the 
progress by pointing his finger to some potential wounds.
I really don't have a dog in this fight but I think what we've seen here is the behavior of a person who is too lazy to read the manual, unable to understand the technology they are working with, and unwilling to face the consequences of their own behavior. As the Solaris user base increases though, the number of people like this will increase. The general population do not read the manuals nor do they care how the magic box works, they just want it to work. This is entirely appropriate for a business user who is using the computer as a means to an end. They have their area of expertise, which isn't computers. Of course, it really isn't appropriate for a system administrator so I can't generate a lot of sympathy for DE personally, especially after the manner in which he has behaved in this thread.

Turning Solaris into something that can be used with the same amount of thought as a toaster is one of the challenges facing the Sun and the community in the future. Designing guards to prevent the ignorant from harming themselves is a challenge (see quote below).

"There are 2 things that are infinite in this world, the universe and human stupidity. I'm not sure about the first one" - Albert Einstein

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