I have an OpenSolaris snv_105 server at home that holds my photos,
docs, music, etc, in a zfs pool. I backup my laptops with rsync to the
OpenSolaris server. All of my important data is in one place, on the
OpenSolaris server. I want to backup this data. I want to protect
against losing my data, and I would also like to recover previous
versions of files when I make mistakes.

* I do not have a tape drive, nor do I want to purchase one.
* I would like to backup to Amazon's S3 service. I have an account.

I did some searching and it seems that instead of creating a bunch of
tar files (what I do now), I should create regular zfs snapshots and
back those up with Amanda. Does that sound like a viable backup
solution? Then, I was thinking about storing those backups on S3.

* Has anyone tried this?
* Are there any problems I may run into?
* Are there better ways backup my zfs pool without purchasing
expensive software?

Thanks in advance.
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