On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Miles Nordin <car...@ivy.net> wrote:

> >>>>> "jcm" == James C McPherson <james.mcpher...@sun.com> writes:
>    jcm> As for "will it work on sparc" - yes, I would expect so. BUT
>   jcm> without fcode it won't be bootable. That's what you are really
>   jcm> asking, isn't it?
> just if it will work.  I want to add a slog.
>   jcm> It turns out you can change between IT and IR firmware using
>   jcm> LSI's sasflash utility,
> is there a reason to use one mode or the other?  itmpt sounds like it
> only works with IT but that's a WAG and probably wrong.  Is there a
> way to tell which mode mpt is using right now?  Does mpt behave
> differently depending on mode?
> Thanks for the pointer to raidctl---I got this out of it:
> -----8<-----
> ja...@dharavi:~$ pfexec raidctl -l -g 0.2.0 2
> Disk    Vendor  Product         Firmware        Capacity        Status  HSP
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 0.2.0   ATA     WDC WD10EADS-00 1A01            931.5G          GOOD    N/A
> GUID:50014ee202720bc0
> ja...@dharavi:~$ pfexec raidctl -l 2
> Controller      Type            Version
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> c2              LSI_1068E
> ja...@dharavi:~$
> -----8<-----
> I was hoping to see an -IT or -IR suffix on the version number but
> there isn't one.  In the README for sasflash, it looks like SASFLASH
> will not tell you what kind of firmware you currently have, either,
> just let you choose what kind to load.
> In the ^C peecee boot widget, it shows my card's firmware version
> ending in -IT, so I think I have IT firmware.  If I do, then Will's
> speculation that IT means the card acts as a SATA target is an
> incorrect guess because it's acting like a normal card right now.
> but on SPARC I'd have no way of seeing this -IT suffix, and I don't
> know if I trust it anyway without understanding what the different
> versions are supposed to do differently.  so, is there any way to tell
> from mpt in what mode the card's running, or what the consequence of
> that is?
> It sounds like it's possible one could buy a 1068E card from another
> vendor and end up with -IR firmware instead, without changing chip
> number or necessarily even PCI ID, so if we are trying to predict
> which cards behave how, it's worth trying to figure out.
> I did try to RTFM.  On OpenSolaris I get this loveliness:
> ja...@dharavi:~$ man mpt
> No manual entry for mpt.
> on SXCE I do at least have a man page, but there's no mention of IT,
> IR, SR inside it.

IR==integrated RAID.  This is a stripped down version of raid.  It only does
1/0/1E.  No 5 or 6.  See:

IT==initiator. In other words it should function as a regular non-RAID
adapter or as a target.  Initiator vs. target depends entirely on the driver
bound to the card.  See:

SR==software RAID.  I believe this is nearly the same as IR mode, but
Supermicro for instance has an add-in card that will allow it to do RAID-5
as well.

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