The reason for the "pattern" based filenames is because:
        a) that is probably what is wanted most of the time anyway
        b) it is easy to pass from userland to kernel - you pass the
           rules (after some userland sanity checking first) as is.

Just to quote what I wrote back in 2006 (ahem) which would *also* fit the "single ioctl()" model:

2) zfs clone -C N <snapshot> <filesystemXXXXXX>

- ie: following the inspiration of mktemp(3c), when invokes with "-C"
  (count) then N clones are created, numbered 0 thru (N-1), where the
  counter number for each one will replace XXXXXX in the filesystem
  pattern, zero-padded left if needed.

  For example:

      zfs clone -C 1000 pool/ xx...@xxxxx  pool/fishXXXXXX

   ...yields clones named pool/fish000000 through pool/fish000999.

...but I like the control of having a snprintf() pattern with START/ STOP/STEP, more. It brings out the BASIC programmer in me...

        - alec

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