Le 16 juin 09 à 19:55, Jose Martins a écrit :

Hello experts,

IHAC that wants to put more than 250 Million files on a single
mountpoint (in a directory tree with no more than 100 files on each

He wants to share such filesystem by NFS and mount it through
many Linux Debian clients

We are proposing a 7410 Openstore appliance...

He is claiming that certain operations like find, even if taken from
the Linux clients on such NFS mountpoint take significant more
time than if such NFS share was provided by other NAS providers
like NetApp...

10%, 100%, 10000% or more ? Knowing magnitude helps diagnostics.
What kind of pool is this ?

This should be a read performance test : pool type and total
disk rotation impacts the resulting performance.

Can someone confirm if this is really a problem for ZFS filesystems?...


Is there any way to tune it?...

We thank any input

Best regards


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