dick hoogendijk wrote:
On Fri, 31 Jul 2009 18:38:16 +1000
Tristan Ball <tristan.b...@leica-microsystems.com> wrote:

Because it means you can create zfs snapshots from a non solaris/non local client...

Like a linux nfs client, or a windows cifs client.

So if I want a snapshot of i.e. "rpool/export/home/dick" I can do a "zfs
snapshot rpool/export/home/dick",
But your command requires that it be run on the NFS/CIFS *server* directly.

The 'mkdir' command version can be run on the server or on any NFS or CIFS client.

It's possible (likely even) that regular users would not be allowed to login to server machines, but if given the right access, they can still use the mkdir version to create their own snapshots from a client.
but what is the exact syntax for the
same snapshot using this other method?
As I understand it, if rpool/export/home/dick is mounted on /home/dick, then the syntax would be

cd /home/dick/.zfs/snapshot
mkdir mysnapshot


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