A word of caution, be sure not to read a lot into the fact that the F20 is 
included in the Exadata Machine.

>From what I've heard the flash_cache feature of 11.2.0 Oracle that was enabled 
>in beta, is not working in the production release, for anyone except the 
>Exadata 2.

The question is, why did they need to give this machine an unfair software 
advantage?  Is it because of the poor performance they found with the F20?

Oracle bought Sun, they have reason to make such moves.

I have been talking to a Sun rep for weeks now, trying to get the latency specs 
on this F20 card, with no luck in getting that revealed so far.

However, you can look at Sun's other products like the F5100, which are very 
unimpressive and high latency.

I would not assume this Sun tech is in the same league as a Fusion-io ioDrive, 
or a Ramsan-10.  They would not confirm whether its a native PCIe solution, or 
if the reason it comes on a SAS card, is because it requires SAS.

So, test, test, test, and don't assume this card is competitive because it came 
out this year, I am not sure its even competitive with last years ioDrive.

I told my sun reseller that I merely needed it to be faster than the Intel 
X25-E in terms of latency, and they weren't able to demonstrate that, at least 
so far...lots of feet dragging, and I can only assume they want to sell as much 
as they can, before the cards metrics become widely known.
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